Industry Update – GPS Map Chips

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    There’s been some recent additions to the Lakemaster family of GPS mapping chips that deserve some attention as we move towards open water and there are some changes to the data chips themselves on the horizon that will almost certainly impact all anglers using electronics capable of displaying map data at some point in the near future.

    This “article” is intended to cover some of the basics regarding map chips as well as give everyone some insight on things to come. It might get a little long but try and hang with me. This is info you’re going to need at some point.

    First I’d like to update everyone on changes to the Lakemaster product line.

    Lakemaster has released a new series of GPS Map data chips called the Lakemaster Insight product line.

    The first item of importance regarding this new Insight product line is they are intended for use with Lowrance HDS units.

    Note: the Insight map chips will not work with Humminbird or Garmin units at this time. The Insight Map chips WILL work in non-HDS Lowrance & Eagle units but will only display the 2D mapping data.

    Here’s the scoop on the unique capabilities of Lakemaster’s Insight map data chips from the Lakemaster website:

    The ALL NEW LakeMaster Insight for Lowrance HDS units gives anglers the ability to visualize lakes like never before. The amazing shaded relief maps allow an angler to quickly locate fish holding areas. Anglers get the best of both high-definition worlds, view the maps in traditional 2D or revolutionary 3D shaded relief.

    Insight Map Data Example:

    – Easy to Read Colors

    – 3D with Contours

    – 3D Without Contours

    The striking shaded relief displayed on Lowrance HDS units running a Lakemaster Insight map chip allows an angler to uncover key fish producing structures meaning less time searching on the water and less time drilling holes on the ice. Available for North/South Dakota , Illinois/Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Lake of the Woods/Rainy Lake.

    Lowrance / Eagle “Legacy” GPS Map Data

    For anglers running a non-HDS Lowrance unit, Lakemaster offers their “Legacy” line of GPS Map chips for Lowrance and Eagle units for the following states / bodies of water:

    • North/South Dakota , Illinois/Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Lake of the Woods/Rainy Lake

    Note: Lowrance HDS units are capable of displaying “Legacy” map chip data in addition to “Insight” 3D map chip data. Non-HDS units can play both Legacy chips and the new Insight chips but display in non-HDS units is limited to 2D map data.

    Humminbird GPS Map Data

    For anglers running a Humminbird, Lakemaster offers a line of GPS Map chips for Humminbird GPS units for the following states / bodies of water:

    • North/South Dakota , Illinois/Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Lake of the Woods/Rainy Lake

    Note: “Insight” map chips are not currently available for Humminbird units.

    Garmin GPS Map Data

    For anglers running a Garmin, Lakemaster offers a line of GPS Map chips for Garmin GPS units for the following states / bodies of water:

    • North/South Dakota , Illinois/Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Lake of the Woods/Rainy Lake

    Note: “Insight” map chips are not currently available for Garmin units.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Evolution of the GPS Map Data Chip: The Transition from SD to Micro SD

    Anyone that has ever pushed a data chip into a card slot is familiar with the small plastic 1.25″ tall wafer that makes all that splendid detail and accuracy available to the GPS unit. All GPS map data is stored and transported on one of these chips and all GPS units have card slots that accept this media format.

    But this is changing. Plans are in motion to switch from SD cards (1.25″ tall) to the Micro SD card format (0.60″ tall). Micro SD cards are approximately half the size of the original SD card format and will allow GPS unit manufacturers to use less space for the card slot in each unit and reallocate that space to an ever expanding feature set.

    So what does this change in delivery format mean for the consumer?

    As more and more GPS units come on the market that use the Micro SD format users that currently own a map data chip in the SD format will need to upgrade their map data chip to the Micro SD format if they want to use their map chip in the new Micro SD driven GPS units.

    The Endura line of handheld units from Lowrance is a noteworthy line of GPS units that will make use of the Micro SD format. (More on the Endura line of handhelds to come in a paragraph or two. )

    How is this change in delivery format being addressed by the mapping data companies?

    Lakemaster has made the decision to release all new map cards in the Micro SD format. However, all new map data cards are sold with the adapter needed to use a Micro SD card in a GPS unit intended to display SD card data.

    See photo below.

    Lakemaster map data cards released in the Micro SD format with the SD adapter included at the time of sale will enable Lakemaster customers to use their data cards in new GPS units released in the future that are based on Micro SD compatibility. No upgrade or requirement to re-purchase a map chip in a new delivery format will be needed to use your Lakemaster map chip in the unit of your choice for years to come!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Lowrance Endura Handheld Compatibility with GPS Map Chips

    As many of you know, Lowrance has discontinued the iFinder H2O family of handheld GPS units and has replaced this venerable product line with the Endura handheld line.

    At present the Endura product line is awaiting an upgrade (Expected delivery Spring – 2010) that will allow this new handheld to display map data from the major map data companies. When the Endura line is map chip capable some time later this spring the Endura handhelds will be capable of displaying map data stored on Micro SD data chips.

    However, all Micro SD cards currently in the consumer’s hands will need an update to be compatible with the Endura product line once the Endura product line is upgraded to display GPS map chip data.

    Thankfully Lakemaster has a solution for those of us that want to buy a new map chip now and not have to buy a new one in a few months should we want to be able to use that new map chip in an Endura handheld.

    It’s called the “Endura Update Program” and it is FREE to anyone that purchases a Lakemaster product between Jan 1, 2010 and May 31, 2010. Save your purchase receipt. Send in your chip to Lakemaster for the FREE update and you’re Endura compatible.

    I hope this info was helpful and if anyone has any questions please let me know. I’ll do my best to answer them.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Additional Info – Endura Update Program

    You can find everything you need to know about the update program online here >>>

    Here’s the basics…

    LakeMaster will update your digital chart to be compatible with the Endura Product Family (Out&Back, Safari and Sierra). Lowrance will publish an Endura Software system upgrade during the first quarter of 2010, after which LakeMaster will be able to release the Free Digital Chart Update. The estimated release of this Endura LakeMaster Digital Chart Update will be March 2010.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Thanks James! Good info to know for the upcoming open water season. I hope I can launch my boat around here in 4 weeks or so.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    James, are the new Legacy Lakemaster chip just a new name for the former Pro chips? Or are they different?


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    James, are the new Legacy Lakemaster chip just a new name for the former Pro chips? Or are they different?


    They’re the same product. The “legacy” name has been applied to differentiate the chips we’ve all used in the past from the new Insight chips.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Thanks for the clarification

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 48

    Thanks for this information. I am considering purchasing an HDS-7 and I am still trying to understand what Insight will do for me – your article leads me to think it will be a great help.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    And a timely reminder to order a Legacy chip for my Legacy 917!

    April and Sturgeon are coming!

    Milwaukee, WI
    Posts: 77

    Can’t wait to see the new Endura line from Lowrance. They have been due for some new handhelds. Nothing wrong with the H2O’s but they have been running these units for about 4-5 years now. Thanks for the info James! It will help with the confused customers I will be dealing with the next few months!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    hi James,
    Thanks for the tutorial on the new chips and upcoming technology.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Thanks for this information. I am considering purchasing an HDS-7 and I am still trying to understand what Insight will do for me – your article leads me to think it will be a great help.

    Hi Daryle,

    Here’s some additional examples of the options you’ll have running the Insight map chip in your HDS-7. (I added them to the original article as well.)

    The ALL NEW LakeMaster Insight for Lowrance HDS units gives anglers the ability to visualize lakes like never before. The amazing shaded relief maps allow an angler to quickly locate fish holding areas. Anglers get the best of both high-definition worlds, view the maps in traditional 2D or revolutionary 3D shaded relief.

    Insight Map Data Example:

    – Easy to Read Colors

    – 3D with Contours

    – 3D Without Contours

    All of Lakemaster’s offerings are moving towards giving the angler more control over how the data is displayed. In Humminbird compatible chips you get Water Level Off-Set, Shallow Water Highlight and Depth Range Highight, etc. In Lowrance HDS units you have the new Insight product line that allows you to display in 2D or 3D with or without contour lines displayed.

    Myself, I like choices.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    And a timely reminder to order a Legacy chip for my Legacy 917!

    April and Sturgeon are coming!

    The “Legacy” product line is for the Lowrance / Eagle GPS units. You’ll want the Humminbird chip for your 917 for the state(s) you’ll be fishing. Remember, and this is advice for everyone, a Lowrance chip won’t work in a Humminbird, a Humminbird chip won’t work in a Garmin, etc.

    Humminbird GPS Map Data

    For anglers running a Humminbird, Lakemaster offers a line of GPS Map chips for Humminbird GPS units for the following states / bodies of water:

    • North/South Dakota , Illinois/Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Lake of the Woods/Rainy Lake

    Note: “Insight” map chips are not currently available for Humminbird units.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Can’t wait to see the new Endura line from Lowrance. They have been due for some new handhelds. Nothing wrong with the H2O’s but they have been running these units for about 4-5 years now. Thanks for the info James! It will help with the confused customers I will be dealing with the next few months!


    Where are you working retail?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    For anyone with questions on the Lakemaster for Humminbird chips here’s a video we did that should give you a feel for some of the new features offered that are currently exclusive to Humminbird units.

    See more IDO Fishing Videos!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    hi James,
    Thanks for the tutorial on the new chips and upcoming technology.

    Happy to help, Jack.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Little confused, I have two LCX27C and run the MN pro map in them, appears I will be using a adaptaor to run the smaller chip, but you mention something about updating???


    Posts: 3239


    Little confused, I have two LCX27C and run the MN pro map in them, appears I will be using a adaptaor to run the smaller chip, but you mention something about updating???


    The update only applies to using a mapping card with the Endura line of handhelds.

    You will be fine with the adaptor in your LCX’s without

    having to do any updates to the card or the unit.

    Brent Yeakey
    Bloomer, WI
    Posts: 553

    James, You may have mentioned it and I missed it. When do they release the 2010 version of the chips?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    James, You may have mentioned it and I missed it. When do they release the 2010 version of the chips?

    If there’s going to be a release from Lakemaster you typically see it in time for the Northwest Sports Show. But I’m not aware of any plans regarding a product release at this time.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    A member just sent me this question by PM and I figured I’d answer it here in case others had the same question.


    I was wondering with the older chips like the MN Pro maps can you tell what year they are?

    When you first start up your Lowrance, with the chip in place, you’ll receive a copyright notice. That notice will give you the production year of your chip. There may be other ways to find the production year info for the map chip running in your Lowrance but this one is certainly the easiest and has always been accurate for me.

    Here’s a screen capture from my Lowrance when I loaded my 2009 Minnesota chip.

    The production year for this chip is 2009 based on “Copyright 2009 ProMap Technologies, Inc.”

    Here’s a screen capture from my Lowrance when I loaded my 2008 Dakotas chip.

    The production year for this chip is 2008 based on “Copyright 2008 ProMap Technologies, Inc.”

    Posts: 3239

    I think it depends on when (time of year) LakeMaster releases the chip as to what “year” it is considered.

    I recall owning a 2007 chip that had a “Copyright 2006

    ProMap Technologies Inc.” tag on it. I called LakeMaster and was told it was a 2007 chip that had been released in the latter part of 2006.

    They confirmed it was a 2007 by the numbers on the


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I think it depends on when (time of year) LakeMaster releases the chip as to what “year” it is considered.

    I recall owning a 2007 chip that had a “Copyright 2006
    ProMap Technologies Inc.” tag on it. I called LakeMaster and was told it was a 2007 chip that had been released in the latter part of 2006.

    They confirmed it was a 2007 by the numbers on the

    I could see where a mid-season release could throw things off. This one has always worked for me… and should get you close most of the time. As for numbers on my MN chip… they’re long gone. Too many times in and out of the machine I guess.

    Thanks for the additional info, Dan. I know I appreciate it.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Some further clarification might be needed regarding the Lowrance HDS units. Lowrance units come with your choice of BASEMAP or INSIGHT mapping preloaded. Unless something is changing that I am not aware of, the INSIGHT mapping on the Lowrance units is NOT the LAKEMASTER INSIGHT map. It is a Lowrance product. James, can you confirm this?

    Also, for anglers who are interested in running the new LAKEMASTER INSIGHT maps in Lowrance HDS units, you would still have the option of purchasing the BASEMAP unit or the INSIGHT unit. You should be able to run the LAKEMASTER INSIGHT maps on ANY HDS unit. James, does that sound correct to you?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Some further clarification might be needed regarding the Lowrance HDS units. Lowrance units come with your choice of BASEMAP or INSIGHT mapping preloaded. Unless something is changing that I am not aware of, the INSIGHT mapping on the Lowrance units is NOT the LAKEMASTER INSIGHT map. It is a Lowrance product. James, can you confirm this?

    You’re absolutely correct. Lowrance offers three “Insight” mapping options that are completely different than what Lakemaster offers with their line of Insight Map Chips.

    From the Lowrance website…

    • NEW Lake Insight™ U.S. inland mapping (for HDS-5) includes nearly 5,000 freshwater lake maps with life-like perspective of bottom structure and topography. Coverage includes the Great Lakes and more than 500 Fishing Hot Spots® Lakes – a $400 value!
    • NEW Nautic Insight™ (for HDS-5) offers a superior like-like view of coastal bottom structure with detailed coastal and offshore depth contours, plus nav aids, for the entire U.S. coastline.
    • NEW Insight USA™ (for HDS-7, -8 and -10 models) combines inland and coastal coverage ares of Lake Insight™ and Nautic Insight™.A Charting Revolution in Detail and Resolution

    Lowrance Insight maps are far less detailed and are not the same Hi-Definition Lakemaster Maps available on the Lakemaster Insight chips.


    Also, for anglers who are interested in running the new LAKEMASTER INSIGHT maps in Lowrance HDS units, you would still have the option of purchasing the BASEMAP unit or the INSIGHT unit. You should be able to run the LAKEMASTER INSIGHT maps on ANY HDS unit. James, does that sound correct to you?

    Regardless of the Lowrance Insight map loaded on the unit you will still be able to run the Lakemaster chip of your choice.

    Excellent questions, Wade. Now if we could only get Lowrance and Lakemaster to start using different names for their products keeping this stuff straight would be much, much easier.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Regardless of the Lowrance Insight map loaded on the unit you will still be able to run the Lakemaster chip of your choice.

    Excellent questions, Wade. Now if we could only get Lowrance and Lakemaster to start using different names for their products keeping this stuff straight would be much, much easier.

    Yea, that would help a lot!

    I should also note that if customers purchase the HDS with the BASEMAP option, those will run the Lakemaster Insight too. Point being, you do not have to get the Lowrance with Insight preloaded in order to run the Lakemaster Insight maps. You just need any HDS unit.

    Posts: 864

    I just purchased the lakemaster 2009 chip for my handheld and it came with the adapter from micro to standard SD format

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I just purchased the lakemaster 2009 chip for my handheld and it came with the adapter from micro to standard SD format

    It is nice to know Lakemaster was thinking ahead on this one. Save that receipt… once the Endura upgrade is in place you can send your chip in for the update so you’ll be Endura-compatible.

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