Looking for a Map of Winnie

  • stevel
    Posts: 11

    I am hoping someone can help me. I am looking for a paper contour map of Winnie. I have the Navionics chip and a Hotspots map already. I had a another map that was much more detailed than the fishing hot spots one. I lent to someone and never got it back. I though it might have been from Mapping Specialists but they don’t list one for Winnie. I remember it had a table with the various structures listed along with GPS coordinates. Any idea who makes it and where I can get one? Thank

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3881

    Lakemaster will be the best you can get. buy online or many sporting goods retailers.

    Posts: 4063

    Check out the SonarCharts view of Winne not sure of the spots you fish but you can preview the lake via the WebApp http://www.navionics.com/en/webapp
    After you zoom in click on the Sonar Icon on the lower left, its hard to beat the SonarCharts view. Rather than just saying its better you can see for yourself

    What Navionics chip do you have now what Plotter? SonarCharts are available on Nav+ and Hotmaps Platinum

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