GPS Map Chip???

  • yellowriver
    Posts: 47

    I have a older Lowrance LX-113 unit on my boat and wanting to get chip for it but Lowrance Tech says it needs to be 2GB or smaller SD. All the newer ones have more GBs. Is my unit going to be able to read the newer card or is it going to be a waste of money. Thanks in advance.

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Look for a used chip. Classifieds.

    Fort Atkinson, WI USA
    Posts: 336

    Will this work ?

    1. 20180324_090137_001950-2.jpg

    Posts: 47

    Not sure if that chip will work? Guessing it will being a 2013 would put it closer to age of unit. What area is it for? Still wondering what a new chip will do in it? Thanks

    Posts: 1748

    Here you go:

    check yours on here
    Revised 8 March 2018

    Starting from 2013, products are provided on 2 GB or larger memory card

    Fort Atkinson, WI USA
    Posts: 336

    The Chip Is For WI’s,

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