Gov fishing opener

  • Riverrat
    Posts: 1780

    Lake City will host 2024 Governor’s Fishing Opener next May

    Looks like the governor will be down south next spring for the opener. It’s been held a couple times up her in OTC. A couple years ago it was up here and I forgot. After fishing in the morning I met some friends for lunch. That was a mistake. Not sure if anyone was actually fishing but there sure were alot of people in the way. Anyone ever actually fished at the governors opener and had any luck?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8871

    I’ve never fished a Governor’s opener.

    I like the chaos of “opener” pulling people away from the river…but now this will do the opposite.

    I get on the river twice a week fishing from April-August. I am sure I will forget about this and end up running into people/crowds that I want no part of.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12335

    I wouldn’t make any plans, he may cancel it again. It had never been cancelled in 74 years, Walz cancelled it twice. Once bc Covid and once bc no one wanted to have him.

    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 891

    I wouldn’t make any plans, he may cancel it again. It had never been cancelled in 74 years, Walz cancelled it twice. Once bc Covid and once bc no one wanted to have him.

    Are you sure his excuse for the Covid year, really wasn’t the same as they year no one wanted to take him?

    Everyone else blamed Covid, he finally found a legitimate excuse for it, at least in his brain.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12335

    Are you sure his excuse for the Covid year, really wasn’t the same as they year no one wanted to take him?

    Hahaha also very possible, but no, the Covid year was due to Covid as he was considering cancelling the fishing opener on the whole that year. Still closed fishing guides down that season…because…science.

    Posts: 1977

    Looks like I’ll be on a different pool that weekend . Someone bump this to remind us when it’s close

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    Ban buffalo plaid in Lake City and he’ll cancel for sure.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2184

    Closest I came to fishing the Gov’s opener was in 2016 when Dayton was on Big Sandy fishing right in front of our place. We weren’t up that weekend. Who woulda thought we’d miss that guy?!

    Posts: 561

    Not Lake City’s first Governor fishing opener. I was there as a scout to help in the 1970’s when it was held out of Hok Si La – then participated when the legend Ralph Diercks helped organize in Red Wing. It is a great time, great event, and a great tradition. I am looking forward to helping organize this event. Remember – two things don’t belong in a fishing boat: bananas and political discussion

    Posts: 1020

    Remember – two things don’t belong in a fishing boat: bananas and political discussion

    Then keep that looney lib out of the boat. Seems like nothing more than a political stunt when a guy like walz is participating. He is going to the land of cows and rocks to go fishing? I am sure he is excited…

    Posts: 86

    A little off topic, but it does pertain to Lake City. I am now 65 years old and I previously lived in Lake City for 2 years. I will admit the fishing was great, but what I really remember are 2 things.

    1) I saw more speeding tickets issued in Lake City in 2 years than I saw in my other 63 years of life. The police department definitely had a quota to meet. I would walk from the fishing cleaning station on the south end of town to the condos on the north end of town and back to my house. Wasn’t uncommon to see 2 or 3 people picked up for speeding in that short period of time.

    2) Lake City catered to the sail boat people instead of taking care of the people in town. The sail boat people didn’t spend much money in town as they brought their provisions for the weekend from home.

    3)As with any small town the locals weren’t very outgoing to people not from the local area, but that is any small town.

    My take on Lake City. Beautiful place to visit, but locals don’t want you around.

    Posts: 1755

    I’d welcome him in my boat, and I’d welcome the repub candidate too ( well maybe not Matt birk.) Don’t agree with every policy but that applies to all of em. People get too hung up on their differences and ignore what they have in common. Too busy trying to make a point I guess.

    Lake city is the birthplace of water skiing. They should get him a buffalo plaid dry suit and showcase his skills if the bite is off. I think that’d be entertaining for both sides of the aisle.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1281

    Do people actually seek out the place the GOV is at? Why? IF you fish don’t you fish the opener to fish? I guess I don’t get why? Its not like the guy or gal is Al Linder…… This particular GOV doesn’t even fish. Let alone teach or show you something about fishing.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18623

    Seems like nothing more than a political stunt when a guy like walz is participating.

    Governors on both sides have been participating in the fishing opener, and more recently the pheasant opener, for many years now. While I do agree that it may be a bit of a political stunt, I support the governor for at least trying to support these outdoor activities. He may look like an idiot for his plaid apparel and visiting Owatonna Gun Club (which isn’t even remotely close to real pheasant hunting), but the simple concept of our state leader participating shows that he supports it, at least to a certain extent. It could be worse. He could just flat out refuse to attend which would send a much worse communication signal to the state.

    And while most of my views do not align with Governor Walz, if I was invited to his boat for a morning of fishing, I would accept it and keep political conversation to a minimum. I can put my pride aside for a few hours and just fish because its a tradition in this state.

    There is usually a decent contingent of people that come with him and spend dollars in the area, so it also provides a small economic boost as well.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8871

    A little off topic, but it does pertain to Lake City. I am now 65 years old and I previously lived in Lake City for 2 years. I will admit the fishing was great, but what I really remember are 2 things.

    1) I saw more speeding tickets issued in Lake City in 2 years than I saw in my other 63 years of life. The police department definitely had a quota to meet. I would walk from the fishing cleaning station on the south end of town to the condos on the north end of town and back to my house. Wasn’t uncommon to see 2 or 3 people picked up for speeding in that short period of time.

    2) Lake City catered to the sail boat people instead of taking care of the people in town. The sail boat people didn’t spend much money in town as they brought their provisions for the weekend from home.

    3)As with any small town the locals weren’t very outgoing to people not from the local area, but that is any small town.

    My take on Lake City. Beautiful place to visit, but locals don’t want you around.

    1) I have no idea and cannot really comment. I’m guessing they stop people who break the law. I was just with the Wabasha County Sheriff last week and he noted that they issue citations on somewhere around ~5% of traffic stops.

    2) These small rural towns like Lake City, Pepin, Wabasha are forced to thread the needle of encouraging tourism during the warm months on the river without undermining the people who live there and keep the lights on the other 9 months of the year. I know Wabasha has started going after some of the short term vacation rentals with tax hikes/fees as businesses are just gobbling up every home in the area and listing them as vacation rentals at inflated prices contributing to the housing shortage. I think these places also have to cater to those passing through or on the river. Without the river itself and its tourism none of the towns would likely have some of the businesses they do (marinas, restaurants, shops, and so on). Some of the tourists are annoying or don’t always support the local economy, but I am sure that’s true everywhere.

    3) Small towns 101. They know everything about everyone who they know. If you are somehow outside that network and they don’t know your name, your last name, or where your parents grew up – there is a bit of disconnect. I am NOT originally from the Wabasha/Lake City area but feel welcomed. It did take some time but living in the country and working quite a bit didn’t leave a ton of “get to know you” time around the area

    I am not a Walz fan. There are approximately 17 billion reasons why most recently. With that said, I too would be able to share a boat with him and find parallels in our life to avoid talking about politics.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4050

    Politicians of all parties participate in fishing openers, hunting openers, first pitches at baseball games, coin tosses at football games, reading to 1st grade classrooms, etc. and have done so forever. This is nothing new. Like most issues, it’s only a problem when people don’t like the guy/party.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1281

    I can understand if you are invited to fish in his/her party…. I just don’t understand why anyone brings their boat and goes where the GOV is… I don’t mean Walz in particular.

    As for the invite to fish with Walz…. Sure I could shoot the breeze for a day as I always want to fish. but I’ll pass on this particular GOV.

    Posts: 86

    Very well worded response. Thanks

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18623

    I just don’t understand why anyone brings their boat and goes where the GOV is

    I am in agreement with this. I want nothing to do with a crowd if it can be avoided in general. This is the land of 10,000 lakes and many more miles of fishable river. Find another spot.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8871

    ^If anyone here (@jimmysiewart) has more details about the “where” part of the Governor outing will take place, feel free to share so people like myself can head a different direction.

    My guess for that time of the year is that they’d launch boats in Lake City at Hok si La or Roschen and head towards the head of the lake and can line area?

    Posts: 24418

    I was asked to guide during the Governors opener like 20 years ago or so and I said no chance would I want to be involved in that.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3903

    Maybe they can hit a deadhead…

    Posts: 561

    Well that sure is a nice comment (hitting a dead head). That might even be me you are hoping for something bad to happen too. In fact I think your comment is downright an embarrassment to you for saying.

    The task force is meeting next Tuesday. 45 boats are needed and most who will help are residents here who would be fishing anyway – so it will have minimal impact.

    Everyone needs to relax a bit. Life changing state laws and policies aren’t gonna come out of a few hours of fishing!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12216

    It astonishes me the number of people who still think the Governor’s Fishing Opener has anything to do with fishing or is some referendum on the governor’s stance on fishing/the outdoors.

    It’s an orchestrated promo campaign for the Minnesota tourism industry. Fishing has nothing to do with it other than to provide the backdrop.

    Marketing, folks. It’s all about marketing. Keep those tourist dollars rolling in and heading north.

    Posts: 1780

    Uhhh I’ll say no thanks to those tourism dollars thanks anyway. You grouse, and the many others here, are more than welcome up here for opener, and as long as we don’t have to fight through a whole marketing team, I know a great place for brunch right on Ottertail. Hell the governor is more than welcome here, just leave the team at home and come fish.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1281

    45 boat task force? what is that exactly?

    Marketing what? That’s my question? who would go out of their way? Doesn’t sound like many of us here… Just wondering what is being marketed? Who really goes to these things??

    Posts: 561

    45 boats for the event for 45 media outlets, etc. to fish with. Local anglers providing their boats and knowledges and Lake Pepin Fish Tales.

    There is a task force of about 12 of us whom will be organizing this event.

    Some towns make it a festival like atmosphere for all residents to enjoy (whether Republican, Democrat, Independent (you catch my drift). The task force, which also consists of local Sportsman’s Clubs (of which give A LOT back to all you outdoors people) will start to meet next week to put plans in place.

    Posts: 797

    I was asked to be a guide when the Governors Opener was in Faribault 30 some years ago.( I don’t even remember who was Governor, but we had a female Lt Gov.). Like Jimmy said, mostly a media event. I had two radio personalities from KDHL in my boat and we had a blast. Big lunch under a tent, door prizes for all, etc.

    Posts: 797

    I think Al Quie was Gov. then. He was from Northfield so that made sense to have it in Faribault.

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