USPS is a national treasure, and way better than private mail/delivery services. I can mail a letter to my family 5 states away for like $.68 through USPS, or I can pay like $11 to FedEx it. How is a private company going to do better than that? Unless by ‘better’ you mean ‘more expensive so they can be more profitable’.
It should be okay for a service to exist for society who’s goal isn’t to continuously grow their profits and influence, but instead to provide a necessary service to it’s citizens.
Thinks like mail, public transport, healthcare, etc are GREAT examples of something that could exist in a way that they make enough money to cover their expenses. Because guess what, you are paying WAY MORE for those services privately than you would if it was ‘socialized’.
I know you guys love the idea of watching billionaires gain even more wealth and power at your own expense, but maybe you should get over that?
I mean, I know you’re just waiting for the day that socialism knocks down your door, steals your money, seduces your wife, gives your job to an immigrant, and turns your kids gay. Stay vigilant though, socialism knows where you live and it sees where you sleep! You’re going to need at least 75 guns and a lifetime membership to the NRA to stop them**
**Please send your membership dues and donations directly to your NRA representative if you’d like the latest info on where socialism was last seen and tips for how to protect yourself, vote red. Also, here’s a link to pay off Trumps $200M+ bail for him. If we all band together and pool our money together to help him(not socialism), HE will save us from socialism)!
Can you tell us how you really feel?
Are you a little bored today?