Got TP ?

  • buschman
    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    there’s more to that strike then wages…..they want better safety conditions and there fighting AI coming in and taking jobs!!!!!!

    I agree with these guys on the Automated equipment / AI language. It is no different than the auto manufactures. Ford Motor went to automated assembly. They said this would help consumers by keeping cost down. How’s that going???

    They all see the profits that have been made over the last 3 years at the ports and want a piece of the pie with better pay, benefits and conditions. With some security it will stay that way too. I can’t blame them. They might be asking a little much in our eyes but if you look up and see the profits being made above them it is INSANE!!! 800% increase in profits over the last 36 months. They raped the dray market, container transfers and rail when we were handing out free money to everyone. It’s pretty crazy what they have been showing for profit.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    Also, this will not affect imports much. Most the materials we receive by ship arrive on the west coast (LA and Seattle) Not the east coast. However, exports will see some major impact. Most of our exports leave the east coast and Houston. That is where this strike is in place. The west coast already renewed their contracts (6 year) and agreed to 38% I believe. It is only the east and gulf coast in this situation right now.

    OG Net_Man
    Posts: 889

    No automation? I am sure this will drag out unless the union drops this requirement.

    Biden/Harris – this does not look good for them if it lasts for the next 4 weeks and it does not look good for them if they step in. Heck, the Bidden/Harris administration gave 36 billions dollars to the Teamsters pension in 2022 and the Teamsters are not endorsing Kamala in 2024.

    Posts: 1878

    That Daggett fella is a real piece of work. Throwing a fit because a paper published pictures of his house and Bentley. Tried to threaten them to take down the photos. Like nope sorry bud but you are literally the spokesperson for this strike and now you made the news that’s how it works.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    RE: TP shortage. I installed a bidet a few years ago and man is that a game changer.

    How dare you embrace technology to make things more streamlined and efficient. Millions of loggers and paper processing jobs are dependent on high TP usage, and you want to throw that away for some convenience and a cleaner b-hole? Have some respect for your fellow man and his need of yachts and Bentley’s! -Daggett and other Union Thugs rotflol jester rotflol

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093

    hey bigwerm…….. doah not every union thug has a yacht and bentley….i know i dont!!!!! rotflol rotflol

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3480

    the irony of TP coming up in this whole port strike is that 90% of the TP used in the US is produced domestically, and the majority of the rest is imported from Canada and Mexico. So the ports play no role in the scarcity of TP, yet we artificially increase demand and supply is thus reduced.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    hey bigwerm……not every union thug has a yacht and bentley….i know i dont!!!!!

    Just bc you weren’t great at it doesn’t mean you gotta tell everyone! rotflol chased rotflol (I hope my excessive use of emoji’s lets everyone know we are just joking around)

    Posts: 6712

    There’s a papermill that produces finished products 10 miles from my house.

    If there’s a toilet paper shortage for a strike 1,200 miles away there’s no hope for humanity.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093

    rotflol rotflol yea yea bigwerm. I was more one the bottom of the totem pole then way up top. doah whistling waytogo rotflol

    Posts: 6712

    As for the bidet they’re a hard pass for me.

    I lived/worked in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for three months

    A lot of restrooms there were a normal toilet with a spray nozzle tee’d into the cold water supply with no paper in sight. You washed your ass like doing the dishes. The toilet seats and floors were always covered in water like someone was taking a shower in there lol

    I’d steal the hotel toilet paper and always had a roll in my truck wherever I went. For how much Indian food I ate it was definitely necessary jester

    Posts: 13086

    I believe most of our toilet paper is made in the Green Bay Area only 2hours away for me.

    Insert packers joke here_____

    United States
    Posts: 1434

    The strikers have reached a tentative agreement.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093

    The strikers have reached a tentative agreement.

    seen that!!!! waytogo agreed on wages but will continue to negotiate on other things.

    Posts: 3950

    Corn producing states have millions of corn cobs.
    I bet only the elders here remember those days!

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3480

    I get it B-man. A clean BH isn’t for everyone ;)

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    6 years and a 62% raise over that span is what I read.

    Posts: 25044

    That is a pretty good pay increase I would definitely take that. Thank goodness there is some closure so we dont screw up the supply chain anymore than it already is.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1791

    “Got TP?”

    TP manufacturing is predominantly in the United States; the only risk I see is if the port workers demand this 60% raise paid in TP.

    During the next real TP shortage, consider the fact that your shower is usually within a few short steps of your toilet.

    Posts: 890

    6 years and a 62% raise over that span is what I read.

    With that much of a raise there will be plenty of candidates willing to take that $60-80 per hr job. Just watch the company hire more people and shut down the crazy overtime that the workers have been accustomed to. In the end the workers decision might hurt them financially. The companies surly will not enjoy paying overtime anymore.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093

    From what I read, alot of them are working 80-100 hours ago week. That is a safety issue.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    During the next real TP shortage, consider the fact that your shower is usually within a few short steps of your toilet.

    LOL been there done that. I think we all have. jester

    Posts: 297

    Biden stood by the striking workers and it paid off. There was pressure on him to invoke the Taft Hartley Act which would have screwed the workers. At least this is over with and no TP Panic LOL

    James Almquist
    Posts: 642

    That is a pretty good pay increase I would definitely take that. Thank goodness there is some closure so we dont screw up the supply chain anymore than it already is.

    All they are doing is pushing the contract negotiations down the line. If they don’t get there demands they will strike January 15, 2025. It all about them not wanting to have any AI doing there work.

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