there’s more to that strike then wages…..they want better safety conditions and there fighting AI coming in and taking jobs!!!!!!
I agree with these guys on the Automated equipment / AI language. It is no different than the auto manufactures. Ford Motor went to automated assembly. They said this would help consumers by keeping cost down. How’s that going???
They all see the profits that have been made over the last 3 years at the ports and want a piece of the pie with better pay, benefits and conditions. With some security it will stay that way too. I can’t blame them. They might be asking a little much in our eyes but if you look up and see the profits being made above them it is INSANE!!! 800% increase in profits over the last 36 months. They raped the dray market, container transfers and rail when we were handing out free money to everyone. It’s pretty crazy what they have been showing for profit.