Got schooled on ice tonight!

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    My good friend Al took me out ice fishing tonight, I have only been ice fishing a couple of times in my life, the last time I went was an ice hose at an IDO vet together on the pond several years ago. Tonight was the first time I used a flasher, what a blast! We caught 6 nice crappie’s, I am hooked and already looking forward to next year! Thanks for taking the time to get me out on the ice Al and showing me what I have been missing all these years.

    1. IMG_20160224_194050881.jpg

    Kent thompson
    Foreston mn
    Posts: 328

    Steve, glad to hear you’ve caught the bug! It really is my passion what an awesome sport! Enjoy!

    Ed Stern
    Goodhue, MN, Goodhue County,
    Posts: 510

    Steve, that is exactly what happened to me about five or six years ago! Some of my friends would make a trip to South Dakota just before Christmas. They would show me picture after picture of perch, walleye, sunfish, & crappies that they had caught in two or three days. It was unbelievable! As soon as I retired, I joined them. (After about a 30-40 year gap in between ice fishing trips!) I loved it instantly! Bought a shack at Fleet Farm, along with a Vexilar, and now I love ice fishing more than summer fishing. I this year added an Ion auger to my Arsenal, and will continue to get excited whether I am fishing with my buddies and/or my grandkids! Just wait until you get to ice fish in April! (Two years ago, on the Mississippi Backwaters.) and it is surprising how many places you can fish!

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