Got my duck mounts back

  • deertracker
    Posts: 9311

    A good way to relive the season.

    1. 20160119_193532.jpg

    2. 20160119_193549.jpg

    Posts: 9311

    Crap, attack of the sideways pics.

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    Hey DT those are cool.! Those Wood duck drakes are one of the prettyest ducks for sure. Anytime I get a good looking woody like yours my Trout fishing buddies want to pick the feathers for tying flies… … rrr

    Posts: 9311

    I have a long list of ducks I want to mount but getting a woody was near the top. When I shot this one I knew it was the nicest one I’ve shot so far. I wouldn’t let my buddies dog retrieve it because I knew it was going on the wall.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Great mounts DT!!

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    I have a long list of ducks I want to mount but getting a woody was near the top. When I shot this one I knew it was the nicest one I’ve shot so far. I wouldn’t let my buddies dog retrieve it because I knew it was going on the wall.

    …Hey DT. This will never happen in my live time, But maybe yours.?!.? .. As far as the long list of ducks for the wall. I think this is a great IDEA that will never happen, but here it goes anyway. .. To get your fully feathered ducks it would be so cool to have a SPRING Duck season. You could shoot one male duck of any or all species. One Drake mallard one bull can one drake blue bill etc. etc. etc.. One Drake an one drake ONLY of all species. Those spring Ducks rrr so much more feathered out than the fall birds. What do You think in your life time would that ever happen.? … rrr

    Posts: 9311

    Never but we can dream. grin That’s the one thing that sucks about hunting up here. We miss the birds when they look their best.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Never but we can dream. grin That’s the one thing that sucks about hunting up here. We miss the birds when they look their best.

    Very true, my favorite mount of all of mine is a Barrow’s Goldeneye, but they are very rare here. Had to got to Alaska in December to get it. We do get some really nice common goldeneyes in the Fergus area though.

    Second favorite is the Harlequin, but that is also from Alaska

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