Goose Decoy/Shot gun/Blind with $?

  • Sam Slaby
    Sioux Falls
    Posts: 38

    I live in Sioux Falls, SD and am I’m feeling the ice fishing bug crawling on me! I am currently running a Marcum LX3tc and hoping to upgrade this year. We just bout a house so the wife isn’t to fond of me dropping all that money on something “I already have (in her words).” I am looking for someone who might be interested in a trade or even purchasing my items listed outright and I could just buy one with that money. I would also be interested in a flip over shack in good shape.

    My items to sell/trade:

    -Benelli Supernova 12 gauge (pump)
    -8 Full body field decoys (goose)
    -24 goose shells
    -Marcum lx3tc only used for two seasons

    Please help a fellow fisherman out!!! All the items are for trade/trade and cash on my end/sale. I just thought about getting rid of my stuff tonight so a price is not set in stone.

    Thomas Hane
    St.Francis MN
    Posts: 15

    would you take trades vexilar camera for the pump??

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2030

    PM sent

    Sam Slaby
    Sioux Falls
    Posts: 38

    The Decoys and shotgun are gone…I do still have the Cabelas layout blind.

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