good youtube videos

  • Marshall8028
    Posts: 5

    now that deer hunting is over , and we’re waiting patiently for ice, what are some good youtube videos to watch,just watched pinnacle pursuit outdoors. they had hunting , fishing, and even a cooking show that were all hilarious to watch, is there any other good videos to watch?

    Posts: 1

    I like watching Rut Daniels. I found the pinnacle pursuit outdoors shows and they were great too. Real content and pretty darn funny!

    Posts: 86

    I will be following this thread also for new shows to watch. I currently watch The Hunting Public. Great show and learn alot. New videos uploaded at least weekly and right now they are in the middle of deer season.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4090

    Blippi, Bubble Guppies, and Peppa Pig. bawling Some day when my kids (2.5 and .5) are older hopefully the Youtube videos can shift from cartoons to some of the ones you guys have mentioned.

    Posts: 1291

    11foot8 bridge,it’s amazing these drivers got a CDL.Bridge also eats RV AC units and loves rental trucks.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21964

    I like watching Rut Daniels. I found the pinnacle pursuit outdoors shows and they were great too. Real content and pretty darn funny!

    Ruth daniels is hilarious

    Posts: 6687

    Deer hunting over?
    Waiting for ice?

    Who are you people??


    Musky mastery is a good one.
    John Gillespie’s waters adn woods.
    Uncut Angling
    Scott Martin
    Hillary Martin
    Babe Winkelmen
    Todays angler

    They are all good shows to watch on youtube.
    I watch them all the time

    Up Nort’
    Posts: 303

    Hunting Content
    The Hunting Public
    The Hunting Beast
    Born and Raised Outdoors
    Randy Newberg
    Mountain Deer
    DIY Sportsman
    Jeff Doyle
    Ranch Fairy

    Fishing Content
    Clayton Schick
    Tom Boley
    Jay Seimens

    Posts: 542

    Uncle Roger

    Nat’s what I reckon

    Posts: 542

    Blippi, Bubble Guppies, and Peppa Pig. bawling Some day when my kids (2.5 and .5) are older hopefully the Youtube videos can shift from cartoons to some of the ones you guys have mentioned.

    I hear ya, man… that will be the day…

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12428

    The Hunting Public. Great show and learn alot.

    x2 I’ve learned a lot especially for bow hunting, and the latest episode from Wisconsin deer opener was great.

    Blippi, Bubble Guppies, and Peppa Pig. bawling Some day when my kids (2.5 and .5) are older hopefully the Youtube videos can shift from cartoons to some of the ones you guys have mentioned.

    I’m usually up before our 3 year old on the weekends, so he watches at least one hunting/fishing show before it switches over to cartoons. Paying dividends already because he loves to catch “walleye” with his toys and talks about deer hunting all the time.

    Posts: 2898

    If you like to kayak fish, or just want to zone out to some great, relaxing content -Check out NDYakAngler on youtube. He’s the opposite of every other DIY fishing show on youtube. No music or cheesy graphics, no begging for subscriptions, just a guy in nature with a soothing voice catching fish. And MAN can the dude catch fish! Fishes mostly in northern and western MN but also in North Dakota. Usually pursuing smallmouth and largemouth. But also Pike, Muskie and even Catfish – all from his kayak. Also does a few ice fishing shoots in the winter.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17355

    Thanks Thunder it does make a person wonder why we fight the crowds on the lakes.

    Posts: 1583

    lots of guys put out good ice fishing content. The problem is many of these youtube guys have some of the most gawd awful non ice content. catch cook and cleans, living out of their trucks. stupid.

    i follow a ton…a few notables :

    Tom Boley
    Jay Siemens
    Minn Dak outdoors
    Larry Smith

    Posts: 155

    Jay Siemens, best I’ve seen. Does a couple a week…at least lately.

    Up Nort’
    Posts: 303

    If you like to kayak fish, or just want to zone out to some great, relaxing content -Check out NDYakAngler on youtube. He’s the opposite of every other DIY fishing show on youtube. No music or cheesy graphics, no begging for subscriptions, just a guy in nature with a soothing voice catching fish. And MAN can the dude catch fish! Fishes mostly in northern and western MN but also in North Dakota. Usually pursuing smallmouth and largemouth. But also Pike, Muskie and even Catfish – all from his kayak. Also does a few ice fishing shoots in the winter.

    This guy is the Bob Ross of the fishing world. Thanks for the heads up!

    Posts: 9301

    The Hunting Public, Midwest Whitetail and their spin off, Chasing November.

    Posts: 2898

    Thanks Thunder it does make a person wonder why we fight the crowds on the lakes.

    The dude inspired me to buy a yak and I sold my 14 ft fishing boat. I’ll buy a new boat someday, but really love the accessibility and peace of kayak fishing.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17355

    I don’t have the flexibility anymore to do kayaks or canoes. But i do enjoy the peacefulness of small rivers.

    Posts: 2

    You have to watch the 39hrs series on Uncut Angling, or Uncut Angling videos. His are amazing. I’ve been working hard on making good YouTube fishing videos (not promoting anything – just having fun fishing and showing how I caught the fish)

    Dink buster
    Posts: 109

    River certified, kayak catfish, pig patrol.

    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1210

    Just started watching Greg McHales Wild Yukon. Pretty cool, he hunts with his dad sometimes and really seems to appreciate everything

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    goHUNT (personal favorite)
    Born and Raised outdoors- land of the free series
    Randy Newberg

    Tom Boley
    Uncut Angling
    Superior Angling- underrated. Duluth based and very informative. Not sure why it isn’t talked about more on this site like some others are.
    Upper Lip Outdoors (BWCA)

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 1982

    Kristine Fischer
    Nattie Up North
    Nichole Stone Outdoors
    Tactical Bassin if you are into bass fishing. They are the In-fishermen of bass fishing YT.

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