Good Video Showing the Differences between Livescope and Panoptix

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19463

    This guy does a good job explaining/showing the differences…

    The “Atari blobs” vs detailed fish outlines is what made me upgrade to Livescope….

    Posts: 67

    Very helpful video, Joe. One thing I found interesting is they mentioned that Panoptix may have a longer/better range when in forward view which is a potential advantage for ice fishing. Is this consistent with your research/experience? Wondering if that would impact someone using only for ice fishing. Or perhaps the better image quality of Livescope more than offsets the better range of Panoptix even for ice fishing?

    Posts: 19463

    Very helpful video, Joe. One thing I found interesting is they mentioned that Panoptix may have a longer/better range when in forward view which is a potential advantage for ice fishing. Is this consistent with your research/experience? Wondering if that would impact someone using only for ice fishing. Or perhaps the better image quality of Livescope more than offsets the better range of Panoptix even for ice fishing?

    I too have heard that, but really haven’t experianced it…I do know Panoptix outperforms vertical Livescope in much deeper water (60+ fow) so for those that fish lakers prefer it over Livescope. I know Garmin likes to state that Livescope has a range of 200′, but i’ve found it to be about 100-110′ in real world conditions and at that distance you’re getting just flickers of returns. I use Livescope typically in less than 30-40′ deep and it absolutely shines, ESPECIALLY when the fish are in the weeds, like the video shows, Panoptix shows big blobs that’s supposed to repesent 1 or multiple fish vs Livescope showing you the indivudal fish with thier actual body size and outlines…it’s taken me an entire season to learn the on-screen interpritations and knowing the in & outs of each Livescope menu setting, but I can now tell the difference between a similarly sized sunfish&crappies bass & walleye & pike & muskie…I like to use the anaolgy of looking at an Atari 2600 video game vs Playstation1 video game, big blob of pixels vs the much better defined pixel image that still isn’t close to the HD display returns we see with modern day systems and games but you can absolutely tell wehat you’re looking at….

    Posts: 67

    Thanks that’s helpful. Always appreciate the real world experience.

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