Good solid High School Prank Shuts Down School

  • chomps
    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    Oh the pranks! The last one the farmers kids filled a junker car with concrete and used the biggest tractor to get that thing into the parking lot right outside of the back doors. Some things were spray painted which upset the principal and a tow truck was summoned, then another, and two trucks couldn’t move it. There were no tow trucks big enough so a deal was struck and the farm kids agreed to remove it. That’s winning and makes a statement! Us city kids never would’ve thought that out, we just landscaped and sodded the principals office.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3486

    Edit by BK: Shoot him a PM please.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    MINOT, N.D. – Three Minot High School students are facing jail time after a water balloon fight in the school’s cafeteria.

    Police say an 18-year-old boy and two 17-year-old boys caused disruption in the school environment because of the yelling and screaming that was connected to the water balloons being thrown.

    The teens were charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct, which carries a maximum sentence of 30 days in jail.

    An online petition has been set up asking for the charges to be dropped.

    Oh Boy. I’m guessing the food was that bad. LOL!

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I graduated in 1978 and you don’t appreciate how carefree things were until years later.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    Our school had one long hallway that ran from parking lot to parking lot. It was probably 100 yards long or so.

    Freshman year – About 25 seniors drove motorcycles down the hall during the last day of classes. Was humorous, especially when the principle was standing in the hall and most of them weren’t wearing helmets and he knew who each of them were.

    Sophomore year – Same hallway. Class clown of the senior class herded a dozen or so sheep down the same hall wearing a little bo peep costume. Quite harmless, and extremely funny. The principle, who by the way was a menacing hulk of a man, head football coach, weightlifting coach, and typically quick to bounce you off a locker, was left speechless.

    After that, those two sets of doors were monitored by teachers and the fun ended.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59998

    I’m proud to say I rode my 250 rice burner around the square and shot off a .22 rifle with blanks in it…which by the way isn’t the brightest idea as the blank put red hot embers in the ceiling tile.

    We just had senior skip out day the last day…pretty harmless.

    Posts: 1899

    I went to Waseca High School. For our senior prank, a friend and I snuck up to the school late one night and removed a few letters from the sign so that it read, ‘WAS_ _ A HIGH SCHOOL’. We also ‘borrowed’ a for sale sign from a friend whose dad was a realtor and put it out front.

    Neither Joe or I said a word about it, but the administration still found out it was us *cough* guy we borrowed the sign from *cough* They were none too pleased, so they fixed the problem by making the letters unremovable.

    Our original plan was for each of us to give the principal one of the letters when he handed us our diploma at graduation, but we had to return the letters when we got narked out.

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