Good reel for ice fishing that the handles fold down

  • mrpike1973
    Posts: 1507

    2 of my summer reels I use for ice fishing have bit the dust I use 1000 size reels I do not like the ultralight tiny spools. I looked at the Daiwa QC 750 but it looks like the spool is tiny any recommendations? would like to spend about 60 bucks a reel. I do not need to use these for summer they can be just for ice fishing but I like the 1000 style shallow spools tend to work. I did try unscrewing the handles last year but lost one and on ice one more thing to fiddle with. You would think with all the ice fishing innovation and rod lockers they would gravitate toward flip down handles. Thanks for any help

    Jake Thelen
    Medford, MN
    Posts: 76

    The piscifun icx5 worked well for me last winter

    Posts: 1507

    Is the spool fair sized not mini? Hey thank you!

    Posts: 1507

    Just looked at it online spool looks like I want seem durable for $30 smooth drag? Looks sweet

    Jake Thelen
    Medford, MN
    Posts: 76

    Yes, drag is smooth, holds enough line, smooth when its very cold outside. I cleaned all the factory grease off and hit it with some hot sauce and it made it even better. I have zero complaints with it on my panfish rods and it handled a few pike nicely.

    1. 16317530922448789066436334044509-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 4800

    I’ve got a couple piscifun and a couple clam predator reels. They both work fine for me. They might not be as smooth as my okuma reels but they don’t have fold down handles so I just loosen the handles and fold them in

    Posts: 1507

    Jake thanks for going the extra mile with the pic I think I will pick up a few never heard of them before are they a legit company? For ice fishing I used to use 60-80 buck reels but 30 bucks sounds good if kids can reel them in on Zebco 202 smirk I would think these should work. I just don’t want a real junky reel.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I really like my Daiwa QCs. Used them last season and didn’t find the spool size too small. I don’t fish much over 30 ft usually though. And yes, not enough reels have a fold in handle. The Jason Mitchell reels had them as well but they weren’t anything special and aren’t being made anymore if I remember right.

    As for Piscifun my buddy has bought a few of their reels (ice fishing and open water spinning) and has been really impressed. They are cost efficient for sure but the quality seems to be fairly impressive. Time will be the true test. They pass the eye and feel test though.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22016

    Shimano sienna 500 or 100 are my go to. Great reels for 29.99 and can find then on sale for 23 all the time

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5136

    Shimano sienna 500 or 100 are my go to. Great reels for 29.99 and can find then on sale for 23 all the time

    This. Love these little reel.

    Posts: 237

    Good reel, but I’ve never known Siennas to have fold down handles?

    South West Michigan
    Posts: 86

    I have the Daiwa’s
    I think some of the Jason Mitchell branded reels have the fold down option.

    Posts: 150

    I’ve had good luck with the Abu Garcia ice max. Great little reel with a foldable handle and a oversized reel knob if you have gloves on.

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    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    The OP is asking for reels that have a fold in handle. Not just any good ice fishing real.

    Cameron white
    Posts: 516

    Picifun reels are unbranded abu Garcia reels. Same plant. Good value for the money.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    20% off sale right now on the Piscifun site FYI.

    1. CDE7E195-26E5-4C58-AA7B-8E4F9D409477.png

    Posts: 1507

    So they are made by Abu Garcia Or the same thing? Thanks looks like a good deal just nervous to buy 5 at a time or kick myself later when you cant get them just $30 seems so cheap.

    Cameron white
    Posts: 516

    So they are made by Abu Garcia Or the same thing? Thanks looks like a good deal just nervous to buy 5 at a time or kick myself later when you cant get them just $30 seems so cheap.

    Made in the same plant that makes reels for abu Garcia in China.

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    Just ordered 2 – thanks for the information.

    Any thoughts re: mid-priced rods, mostly for panfish?

    Can’t justify spending $60-$100/rod for bobber fishing w/Marcum LX3 ….. Have a bunch of “cheapos” that were given to me… would like to treat myself to a a couple decent rods now that I’m retired and hope to get on the ice more this year.


    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6720

    Just ordered 2 – thanks for the information.

    Any thoughts re: mid-priced rods, mostly for panfish?

    Can’t justify spending $60-$100/rod for bobber fishing w/Marcum LX3 ….. Have a bunch of “cheapos” that were given to me… would like to treat myself to a a couple decent rods now that I’m retired and hope to get on the ice more this year.


    If we are talking a jigging rod try the snitch rod, I can’t remember who makes it.

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    Thanks John,

    20″, 25″ or 29″ Quick Tip lengths available. If you had to pick 2 of the 3 length rods, which would you choose?


    Posts: 5305

    Bought an ice maxx few years ago, junk IMO.

    Jason Mitchell much better option, have a couple now.

    Cameron white
    Posts: 516

    Jason Mitchell much better option, have a couple now.
    [/quote]really like the jt panhandler. Shiver stick too. For a little more the Elliott evolution is hard to beat.

    Cameron white
    Posts: 516

    Just ordered 2 – thanks for the information.

    Any thoughts re: mid-priced rods, mostly for panfish?

    Can’t justify spending $60-$100/rod for bobber fishing w/Marcum LX3 ….. Have a bunch of “cheapos” that were given to me… would like to treat myself to a a couple decent rods now that I’m retired and hope to get on the ice more this year.


    The jt panhandler is great, shiver stick too. I like my Elliot evolution more but I like longer rods.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4317

    If we are talking a jigging rod try the snitch rod, I can’t remember who makes it.

    The snitch rod is a pretty nice panfish rod. Usually between $30 and $40.
    I looked at some Fenwicks last year that seemed pretyy decent also.

    Posts: 15

    for cheaper rods, I think the scheels guide series are hard to beat. I think they are $30 retail, and go on sale for $25 regularly. The fit and finish is questionable, but the blanks are great. I haven’t found another $25 rod that’s even close.

    Posts: 1719

    I use Sedonas. Think they may have gone up $10 or $20 bucks. Not sure of your handle concern. If it’s transporting. Or breaking. I use in-lines in water 15 to 20 feet or less.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6720

    Thanks John,

    20″, 25″ or 29″ Quick Tip lengths available. If you had to pick 2 of the 3 length rods, which would you choose?


    I think mine is a 27L. I have been able to feel everything from tiny Cisco, so small they looked just like the Shinners we had in the engel, to medium size eyes. Super soft tip and decent backbone. They sell them with an inline reel. That’s the one I use. Picking from your list I would go 29.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22016

    So they are made by Abu Garcia Or the same thing? Thanks looks like a good deal just nervous to buy 5 at a time or kick myself later when you cant get them just $30 seems so cheap.

    Siennas are always 30 and better quality. Loosen the handle and fold it down. I have many of the 500s and 1000s for ice fishing

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