I just bought a 22 GW seafarer with a 2019 Garmin GPSMAP 942xs, and I was going to pick it up tomorrow. The seller just wanted to check everything one last time before I picked it up tomorrow morning and brought it home to take the wife on a little ride on Easter Sunday. Well… the Garmin keeps intermittently shutting off after about 15 seconds. Everyone’s saying it’s a voltage issue. So the guy has checked both batteries, and re ran a completely new circuit to the Garmin for power and has measured it many times for 12v with a multimeter. Power shouldn’t be the problem Garmin is closed for good Friday.. 😕 so he doesn’t want me to come get the boat until he can see if it needs to be repaired or he has to just buy a new one and mount it. They aren’t open til Monday. So unless there’s some crazy way to reset this thing (it only has a power button)… doesn’t look like my weekend is shaping up all that great. Any ideas people? The difference could be a 200 repair vs. A 1500 unit. And obviously he doesn’t want to lose 1500…

Posts: 19