A widely available and relatively cheap drug, Dexamethasone, has been proven to help treat Covid 19 in very sick patients, according to British health officials.
Additionally, retail sales are up 17.4% in May, and there is talk of a $1 trillion infrastructure spending bill.
All this good news on a Tuesday and financial markets have responded, stocks are soaring.
While this is no doubt good news. It is not a game changer in the treatment of COVID or any other respiratory illness. I can assure you that anyone in the ICU suffering of COVID has been given a parenteral form of corticosteroid (likely methylprednisolone or dexamethasone). This is standard treatment for any type on respiratory inflammation. But is always good to know that what we are using is actually making a difference.
downside to a news outlet report like this means our wholesalers will now be out of it because of overzealous ordering. “toilet paper effect”