Good deal for electronics?

  • Joel VandeKrol
    Ankeny, IA
    Posts: 460

    Local store — New Lowrance HDS-7 Gen 2 Touch….$799.99. HDS-9 Gen 2 Touch $1499….. Onix10 SI $1999…

    Rumor is Lowrance is going to all touch-screen next year. I would consider the 7-touch as a mapping unit.


    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1743


    Hope you got an anwser to your question… Looks like no one picked up on the fact that this question probably should have been directed to Toys for Big Boys… Hope you an answer to help you…


    Joel VandeKrol
    Ankeny, IA
    Posts: 460

    My fault – I brought home the HDS9-T. Very solid unit

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1743

    I am not affiliated, but a long time member and wanted to be sure that you hadn’t been over looked… Glad you are happy with your choice…


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