Good books

  • glenn57
    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Question, do you guys get these books from libraries or buy them?

    I’m not sure how libraries work anymore with due dates. I go in spurts when it comes to reading

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    I go to the library to get mine… it’s just a couple block walk from my office so its convenient. I can look on their website if they have a book and if they don’t have it, I can request to get notified when it becomes available at any of the locations. Its works quite slick for me. I think due dates are a month from when you rent it. They print out a little receipt for you when you rent the book and it also gets emailed for another reminder.

    Buying books just didn’t make sense for me – they’d just collect dust after I read em once or you have to find a way to recycle them and I’m not a kindle reader.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    I go to the library to get mine… it’s just a couple block walk from my office so it works out nice. I can look on their website if they have a book and if they dont have it, I can request to get notified when it becomes available. Its works quite slick for me. Buying books just didn’t make sense for me – they’d just collect dust after I read em once or you have to find a way to recycle them.

    how strict are they with due dates, or don’t they do that anymore?

    Hard Water Fan
    Posts: 1102

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Gitchi Gummi wrote:</div>
    I go to the library to get mine… it’s just a couple block walk from my office so it works out nice. I can look on their website if they have a book and if they dont have it, I can request to get notified when it becomes available. Its works quite slick for me. Buying books just didn’t make sense for me – they’d just collect dust after I read em once or you have to find a way to recycle them.

    how strict are they with due dates, or don’t they do that anymore?

    My library is 3 weeks but I can renew online. And they don’t charge fines anyway.

    My favorite way to get books is at book sales. I can load up with a years worth of books in one shot.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3194

    Question, do you guys get these books from libraries or buy them?

    I’m not sure how libraries work anymore with due dates. I go in spurts when it comes to reading

    For anyone with a Kindle you can use an app called Libby to get ebooks from your library. They have a certain amount of digital copies, like a physical book, and you can add it to a waiting list if they are all out and then it will add it when it’s available, can renew them, or click a button to return them early. If you go into a library they will set it all up for you if you don’t want to figure it out.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3194

    reef is that a free service?

    Yes, it’s all free. Just need a library card to enter in app. I think most libraries take part.

    Posts: 1719

    Abandoned in HELL- The fight for Firebase Kate by William Albracht. It’s a real-life accounting of a group of soldiers hung out to die on a mountain top in Viet Nam by some Brass sitting on the sidelines. I’m sure there are thousands of stories similar. But I got a chance to meet the author and be part of a veteran non-profit with him. When he spoke, the entire room got very quiet. Gives a prospective of being in a war you aren’t allowed to win, run by stuffed suits in Washington, influenced by media misinformation and public opinion.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11116

    One of the best books I’ve ever read is called “Slouching Towards Fargo”. It’s written by a former Rolling Stone writer who was sent by Rolling Stone to write a hatchet job on Bill Murray. Meaning he was supposed to write a piece that tore Murray apart because the editor had a problem with him. So this writer spends an entire summer with the St Paul Saints and Bill Murray the summer that Darrel Strawberry came to the team. It’s an incredible story and an awesome window into the absolute circus that was that team and some of the crazy things Bill Murray would do when he came to town.

    Highly recommend that one if you’re a baseball fan, Bill Murray fan, or just want a great read.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12319

    Question, do you guys get these books from libraries or buy them?

    I have used a Kindle since the year they first came out. I like to keep books, but there is no way I could keep everything I want with traditional books so the Kindle is awesome. Also, it’s way easier to load up a bunch of books and go on vacation with a Kindle and then it doubles as a tablet as well.

    Also, there’s a Kindle app for phones so you don’t have to buy a device at all if you don’t want to.

    Others have mentioned Libby, but there are also a variety of open libraries that have out of print / out of copyright books that can be downloaded to the Kindle. To me, this is a real goldmine because I love early 1900s safari and exploration books and many of these are out of copyright and available in eBook whereas finding a print copy would be very difficult and expensive.

    Owatonna MN
    Posts: 220

    CJ Box, (Joe Picket series). I got hooked and read all 23 for them in the last year. Should have paced them out a little longer. The new one (Three Inch Teeth) comes out this week. Got my name on it for as soon as the library gets it in.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    CJ Box, (Joe Picket series). I got hooked and read all 23 for them in the last year. Should have paced them out a little longer. The new one (Three Inch Teeth) comes out this week. Got my name on it for as soon as the library gets it in.

    i agree the JC Box books are great. kuddos for Dutchy to let me read his!! waytogo woot

    call me friggin old….but i’m a true diehard page turner. i like the book !!! i had lot of books i just parted with, some private resident has a little book building on his place so i donated somethere as well as the library intown is looking for books to fund a new bigger library……so i gave them the rest!!!! somei i wont part with….like seal team 6…..the story of Chris Kyle!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12319

    CJ Box, (Joe Picket series). I got hooked and read all 23 for them in the last year. Should have paced them out a little longer. The new one (Three Inch Teeth) comes out this week. Got my name on it for as soon as the library gets it in.

    If you haven’t already, try the Walt Longmire series by Craig Johnson. Another great Western mystery series.

    Posts: 2960

    Question, do you guys get these books from libraries or buy them?

    I’m not sure how libraries work anymore with due dates. I go in spurts when it comes to reading

    This drives my wife nuts because she’s a HUGE Library reader. I would say she probably reads 50% more books per year than I do, so maybe it makes sense. But I like to own my books, lend them out and sometimes re-read them. I also like building my own library of favorites.

    I always thought Libraries were the original file sharing (IE think Napster in the 90s). Even though I might not love the book, I like the idea of the Autor getting a cut from the sale. Writing is hard work.

    Posts: 811

    Just ordered C J Box new one, ” Three Inch Teeth”

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