Golden Eagles

  • Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3004

    Yesterday I was looking out our kitchen window at the park land that lies behind our house and saw a really large bird in one of the huge cottonwood trees that call the park home. It was larger than the usual Bald Eagles we see sitting in the trees so I grabbed the binocs to take a peek and sure enough it was a Golden Eagle. By the time I got the camera it had flown. The big bird was just back in that tree. I set the coffee cup down to come get the camera and just like that a mess of crows, ducks and geese flushed off the river and spooked the eagle so no picture again. Camera will be on the counter now.

    Local Bald Eagles are a daily siting and while I wouldn’t call a Golden Eagle siting common, they haven’t really been rare either in the last couple years. I know there are at least three breeding pairs along the Mississippi and in the Whitewater Valley and I think they manage to get over this way when things lock up in the cold over that way. Golden Eagles are not carrion eaters like the Bald Eagles and there are tons of geese and ducks here that hang out on the open water of the river here so this becomes a food source for them. I think, like all things during these bitter cold periods, that the Golden Eagles have to cover way more area to find food, hence the presence here.

    I never realized how large the Goldens are until I saw a Golden and a Bald Eagle sitting in the cottonwoods at the same time last year. The Golden is easily a third larger than a Bald Eagle. The wing spans are enormous. And when a Golden Eagle catches sunlight in flight it is a beautiful bird to behold. I just looked again and its in flight over the water. If it settles in the tree again I’ll try for a picture. Maybe the guys that live along the river have seen these big suckers, but for me this is just a treat to have them hanging around.

    Posts: 23802

    Cool! I don’t believe I have ever seen one.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3976

    The amount of eagles in our state is really something to appreciate. I know your post was about golden eagles and most of what I say here will apply to mostly bald eagles. But I want to say that outside of Alaska, Minnesota has the largest bald eagle population. Arizona has something like 2 mating pairs… drive along or fish the river here and you’ll see more than than in a day.

    I can’t say that I’ve seen a golden eagle in the wild, that sounds amazing Jimmmy. I took our young boys to the Eagle Center in Wabasha last winter and it’s on my stand by list for something to do this winter if we get a Saturday where the kids need to get out of the house.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3004

    Try driving down by Alma, WI. I know there is at least one breeding pair in that area. Whitewater Valley between Beaver and Highway 61 has another pair.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18286

    Never sen a golden. My understanding is that they are more prevalent out west.

    A baldy sighting isn’t anything special anymore. They’re like crows nowadays.

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 12469

    Never sen a golden. My understanding is that they are more prevalent out west.

    A baldy sighting isn’t anything special anymore. They’re like crows nowadays.

    yea Gim I’d consider a bald eagle way up the list of birds I’d rather see then a crow!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18286

    Haha. Me too. They’re just not a rare sighting anymore though. People make it sound like they are seeing big foot when they spot one sometimes.

    Wouldn’t mind seeing a golden though. I know they are massive birds.

    Hard Water Fan
    Posts: 1060

    I see bald eagles most days that I am out and about. I am still amazed every time I see one. I have never seen a golden eagle, maybe a trip to Alma is on the schedule.

    Posts: 2715

    The bald eagles look so majestic out in a field eating a dead pig.They are every where down here.

    Posts: 2628

    I have watched goldens chase herds of pronghorn along fencines in Montana, trying to single out smaller ewes and lambs. They are bad ass birds man

    Full draw
    Posts: 1315

    When I used to antelope and mule deer hunt in NW Nebraska we would see a few goldens every year.

    They have been known to kill antelope.

    Buffalo Fishhead
    Posts: 302

    … Golden Eagles are not carrion eaters like the Bald Eagles…

    One of best places to see a Golden Eagle along Interstate 90 in northeastern Wyoming is feeding on road killed deer.

    Many times there are both bald and golden eagles on those road kills.

    Buffalo Fishhead

    Posts: 200

    I would love to see a Golden. I’m in Nebraska and agree about how many bald Eagles are around without people actually noticing.

    How do you tell a Golden? Guessing they look like an immature Bald but bigger? But how do you tell if they are not next to another Eagle?

    South Metro
    Posts: 2006

    I see them up in Canada when I am up there.
    They are BIG.
    Driving down to owatonna two weeeks ago must have seen 60 Baldies. Very pretty birds – very big themselves for sure.

    Posts: 2628

    Baldies and goldens are actually very similar in size

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3004

    Baldies and goldens are actually very similar in size

    See them side by side and the Golden is significantly larger.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    We, in our great area of Red Wing,have seen so many Bald Eagles we take them for granted.
    I take people out all the time that have never seen one before. (don’t take me wrong, I’m always amazed at that).

    I’m commonly asked, “what’s the chances of seeing a BE on a trip with you?”. My reply has been always the same, “I don’t know how many, but I will guarantee we will see one!”

    I’ve only spotted one GE in the Red Wing area. It’s wing span was much larger then a BE. The GE was dive bombing a ring billed gull. It was like watching a WWII Flying Fortress trying to run into a P-51 Mustang! Every time the GE came down, the gull would swerve a the last minute and the GE would need to climb to gain altitude again. It was a very interesting 20 minutes.

    Putting a male BE next to a female GE, they can look close to the same. The National Eagle Center in Wabasha has (or had) both.

    As mentioned before, most GE sighting are really a less then 4 year old BE.
    Just to be clear, I said “most”.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 1614

    that’s crazy!!!

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1792

    We have had goldens here on the St Croix during the winter. Specifically in Afton near the open water at Catfish bar.

    I was never 100% sure till we had a videographer out and got good film of them. 100% verified as a pair of goldens. Seen them for about 8-10 years now. They like harassing the ducks and geese down there.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3004

    We have had goldens here on the St Croix during the winter. Specifically in Afton near the open water at Catfish bar.

    I was never 100% sure till we had a videographer out and got good film of them. 100% verified as a pair of goldens. Seen them for about 8-10 years now. They like harassing the ducks and geese down there.

    In the past I’ve seen the gold eagles that show up here swoop down on the ducks and geese on the river behind us, but they’ve never come up with anything. I has a squirrel harassing a bird feeder a couple years back and popped him with a pellet gun. Must of been a bad hit as it was flopping all over the yard when a Bald Eagle came zipping thru the yard and grabbed it. The bird never touched the ground. I had to duck when the bird pulled up. I’ll never forget what that squirrel sounded like screaming like crazy.

    Posts: 23802

    I have a nesting pair of baldies near my house. I swear they can see my yard from their nest. I would shoot squirrels, rabbits and throw them out in the field. I tossed a rabbit out there a couple years ago and I wasnt even back to the house when I looked back and an eagle had picked it up and was flying off. I got a super crappy video of it, but that was fun!

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