Going to Mille Lacs this weekend

  • Chad Luebker
    Annandale, MN
    Posts: 407

    Hello –

    I am heading to Mille Lacs this weekend and deciding between Mac Twin Bay or Lybach’s or open to other resorts on the SE side. I have used Mac Twin twice with my cousins permanent house but will be bringing my wheel house for the first time. What I like about Mac Twin is roads are well taken care of and marked with a
    road name/letter. However , I will probably have to go over the bridge if I go out of Mac Twin. Does Lybach’s label the roads? If I go out of Lybach’s should I drive out to the south gravel or east bar which looks like a fairly long drive. it’s nice not driving 5 miles out but if that’s where the fish are I will do it. Any recommendations especially for this time of the year? Thanks. Chad

    Gregg Dillenburg
    Posts: 5

    Check Lybacks.com for updated road and fishing info. He usually writes something every day. Sounds like they are having good luck in shallow as well as deeper. His roads are very good and they will give you a map to follow.

    Posts: 936

    Here’s a map of the Lyback road system from 2017-18, I’m sure they’re a bit different but Eddy is pretty consistent year to year and always does a great job with his roads. IMO you can’t go wrong with either him or Mac’s if you’re looking to fish that part of the lake. Hope this helps, good luck.

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