Going old school

  • Anonymous
    Posts: 0

    Bought an otter lodge last year and love it when I can go out with my side by side, but for early ice, I Tried pulling by hand and it about killed me!! Since I’m lucky enough to live on a lake I decided to build an old school ice fishing sled for early and late ice, and for nice days to sit outside. Had some pine laying around, and since I love hand tool woodworking, I went dovetail joints for the sides just because I can. Hope it’ll work for what I want, and I think it will do fine. Going to get some synthetic material for the skis and I should be set

    1. 3F755E4D-5C89-477C-8ED2-B8DF97F49DC8-scaled.jpeg

    2. 5E9374FB-9E85-44CD-BA52-091A446BAEE3-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 12780

    Nice craftsmanship…is that thing that much lighter than your otter?

    Posts: 0

    Much much lighter. It’s only 40” x 16”. Designed to straddle my ramp going down to the lake.

    Posts: 12780

    Sweet if you can’t find any synthetic material some down hill skis should do the trick.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1487

    Very nice job! I enjoy woodworking but have yet to try dovetails. Did you use a jig for cutting them?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Nice. I use a small sled too mostly. Like you said pulling a popup very far is unpleasant. I tie a long loop of rope on my sled then put it around my body and walk freely instead of dragging it with one of my arms.

    Posts: 0

    No jig for dovetail, just a sliding bevel to maintain angles, saw & chisel.

    Thanks all

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Nice work. The dove tails look nice. Do you have a weight on it?

    Steve Johnson
    Posts: 96

    Nice work! It would be a shame to put synthetic skis on that beautiful wooden sled. My grandpa made several pairs of skis out of steam bent wood, and as long as we kept them waxed, they worked fine. I am sure you could figure out how to make a short pair with the help of YouTube!

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