Go Pro/Body Cam Hunting

  • gunsmith89
    eyota, mn
    Posts: 599

    I am looking to get a camera either head mount or on the pack to be able to take decent video (possibly zoomed so you can see arrow impact at around 20 yards give or take. Go pro, Tactacam and after some research this was recommended as well.

    Any advice or experience is appreciated. I shoot trad so most shots are pretty close and the arrows are not moving too fast.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260

    I have the Akaso Pro 4k for the last 6 months and I can’t find any reason why I’d want to spend 5X as much for a similar GoPro. I use it for the social media accounts for my business and for our YouTube channel, I take all the stills and video with this cam.

    Video and pictures are sharp, clear, and fantastic color, easy to operate, it’s been underwater (in its waterproof case, obviously) and the image stabilization is good, even riding on top of a food plot disc behind a tractor. The wireless remote is very handy. All for less than 100 bucks. What’s not to like?

    For an actual hunting action cam, the only thing I’d say to be aware of is that the cam will time out and turn off if record isn’t activated within 1-2 minutes (I believe) of powering on to save the battery. So if you’ve got Mr. Big coming in, you better just hit record and let the camera roll until you get the shot or he ambles off. Just saying be aware you can’t start the cam from the wrist control, it has to be turned on manually first.

    IMO, action cam shots are always better with lighted nocks, even for trad. Just a personal preference maybe, but the arrow really jumps out with the lighted nocks.


    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Great feedback grouse. I always thought it would be fun to film my turkey hunts (just for my eyes only) and never wanted to spend a fortune on a go-pro. Might give this camera a try just for fun.

    eyota, mn
    Posts: 599

    Thank you Grouse! I am going to give the Akaso a go!Not looking to make big screen quality movies but if I can get a heard bull screaming back and forth through the brush and raking a tree and some good still images of scenery I will be tickled.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 740

    Thanks for the review Grouse. I just ordered one.

    eyota, mn
    Posts: 599

    I got mine and did a 3d shoot with it mounted on my head. I am really happy with it and think it will work perfect. The still images are also really good quality. Now if i can remember to turn it on when the time is right lol

    Omaha, NE
    Posts: 308

    I got mine and did a 3d shoot with it mounted on my head. I am really happy with it and think it will work perfect. The still images are also really good quality. Now if i can remember to turn it on when the time is right lol

    gunsmith- Which editing software are you using for this? Are you still happy with the camera? I’m thinking about taking the jump and making a purchase on an action cam as well.

    eyota, mn
    Posts: 599

    I am happy with it I didn’t use any editing software with it but was able to get a few cool encounters in the mountains with it on. I wish it had better volume.

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