I downloaded the app and am just tickled to try it out. I’m not ready to spray but I’m going to load the sprayer up with water and give it a whirl.
It’s worth playing with Field Navigator in your back yard to learn the process of how to set up a field (plot) by driving the perimeter. You then save the field so you don’t have to do the perimeter every time.
I set up each area of my plots where there’s a different crop as a separate field. That way, for example, if I want to spray the cover in the northwest quarter of the plot, I just bring up that “field” and start spraying.
Take the time to save each Track when you spray and record the details including spray used, how many gallons it took, mix rate, etc. This info is a huge help down the road.
Also, take the time to spray some water to precisely measure the “swath” over coverage width of your sprayer and then enter that into the program settings. Also adjust the offset if your sprayer is a tow behind.
A good ATV-mounted GPS holder is money well spent.