Glass Boat 101

  • Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    Guys I’m looking into used Glass Boats as a family option. What I don’t know is what years are good/bad. Anytime something like this hits me I’m a research hog but I just don’t have the time.

    I was looking at a few Skeeters and Rangers from 1998-2002

    Are those not as well built as newer boats? Ideally I want a Deeper V for kids safety and wave handling.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Those years are fine. Just get on your back and slide under the boats when inspecting them. You are looking for impact points where something may have broken the gell coat. Fiberglass will absorb water and become heavy so look for something like that. On the upside……guys who typically buy glass boats take pretty good care of them. Personally a good hull inspection and check the motor and you will be good to go.

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599

    I wouldn’t worry about the boat as much as the bigger motors during those years.

    John Peterson
    Woodbury, Minnesota
    Posts: 349

    I wouldn’t worry about the boat as much as the bigger motors during those years.


    Posts: 7348

    Wood transoms would look into. Had a buyer bring in a glass of that year to a shop, 2 minutes later mechanic called and said “you know the motor is falling off that boat right”. Made sure to look at boat first then inspection after that.

    My couple notes coming away from last buying experience, look at prop. Not necessarily for dings but pitch and specs of motor. Sometimes they throw props on these things and redline the motor half its life. Rec boats. Pulling overweight skiers and huge banana tubes every weekend can catch up to an older transom.

    Good luck on your search peace

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