I have been trolling over 70-80′ depths for Pike. I mark them on the sonar anywhere from 15′ to 30′ down feeding on Whitefish which are thick on the bottom. This is the first year I have targeted them and thus far it’s a learning process. Have gotten a couple mid 30’s so far, hopefully I can dial things in and get the big mommas.
Running 3.5 mph pulling Muskie baits.
I’m only starting to figure it out myself. The lake that I fish is probably quite a bit different in that it’s maximum depth is only 40′ and it doesn’t have whitefish or Tullibees. One thing that I have really started to figure out this year is that might translate to where you are fishing is not all open water spots are created equally. It may seem weird to explain it like this but what has been key for me this year is finding the “spot on the spot” areas within the open water. All of the fish that I have caught have been caught were in open water but they are also in relatively close proximity to traditional structure. The areas I am really focused on now are the centers of small bays, channels between two shoreline areas, and areas just off the ends of points. I do still make passes directly across the center of the lake but it is no longer random as I am usually only moving between specific areas I have identified as high value spot on the spot locations.
I also think that time of year plays a huge role. I’ve had much better luck during our 4th of July trip to the cabin the past two years than when we go in August.