Well, I bought the Savage model 99 in 308 win. I did a simple cleaning and headed to the range. I bought some 168 gr ammo and was treated to a terrible pattern in a 4 x7 oval… not even any semblance of a group. Upon returning home I did a thorough cleaning and removed the 50 years worth of carbon and copper. When perfectly cleaned a tight patch doesn’t feel the greatest as it runs the length of the bore. I ordered some fire lapping ammo and did the shoot and clean routine. It now feels better, but still needs more work. My 165s now group about 4 inches, but some 180s group nicely at 1.5 inches. The slender barrel heats up quickly and there were some marks on the inside of the forearm stock which I sanded to get a better fit and float as best as can be done with how it attatches to the barrel and reciever. I hand loaded some Nosler 180 partitions over 43 grains (minimal load) of that new fangled Hodgdon CFE 223 and my groups are staying at 1.5 inches at 100 yards with either a cold or hot barrel. I am quite happy overall as this is just a nice older leaver gun and will perform excellent as a hunting rifle.
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