Getting Tired of Logging In

  • maddogg
    Posts: 426

    It wants me to log in on page one.When I go to page two I’m loged in ?

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1611

    Just started happening to me 2 days ago. Between the kids on dads computer and the chronic argue people this is starting to resemble the old Hot Spot Outdoors, remember them? I still get good info here though between the 6th grade slam book posts.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 709

    Could just be every time you clean or dump your cookies, you will lose your log in. Also, virus programs such as Mcafee and similar, when they do a cleanup, you will lose that also. Doesn’t matter that you check the box to stay logged in. There is a way around it as there is a setting in your browser that you can enter sites that you frequent so that their cookies will not be dumped on a cleanup. After you do that, you will need to log in again to your favorite sites, and click stay logged in again, then after that you will always be logged in. You may need to do that in your virus program also.
    I have stayed logged in to my favorite sites ever since I put these exceptions in the browser settings.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    Oh, and I thought I was alone in this dilemma.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19011

    Just happened again. I was here earlier this morning then on this login I had to start over. Something is wrong.

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 961

    Yes, something isn’t quite right. I think part of the problem was my understanding of what excluded cookies actually do for cache. I expected page cache to be bypassed when various cookies are present in the request but that is not the case.

    I have 3 ideas on how to fix this. One of them will work for sure but is a bit hacky, I think. I’ll be digging into things later tonight.

    Posts: 3457

    Works fine for me.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 709

    Mine still works fine also.

    Posts: 3457

    Worked fine today. yay

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1611

    This is happening to too many people all of a sudden not to be something with the site.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19011

    Just happened again.

    Posts: 466

    It happens to me about every 3rd day.

    Posts: 122

    This is getting pretty old. I need to log back in every day. Then it won’t recognize my password so I reset it. I’ve had to that several times in the last couple weeks. No other site I frequent is having this issue so i don’t think it’s me or my computer.

    James Almquist
    Posts: 614

    If you want the website administrator to help find out what is going wrong you will need to give them some clues. Using a computer or phone ? What browser are you using ( Chrome, Firefox. Safari or Edge ) What’s your operating system on your phone or computer? If you are set to do automatic updates it might have been caused by the last update and you need to roll it back for now or you need to do an update to make the browser work correctly.

    I log onto here 3 or 4 times a day with no problems using Windows 10 on a computer and using Chrome as my browser.

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 961

    When I use the remember me option all authentication cookies, including the _lscache_vary cookie used to bypass page caching, are set with an expiration of 1 year. Here’s a screenshot of my cookies in Firefox after using the remember me option.

    1. authentication_cookies_Screenshot_2022-12-03_114650.png

    Posts: 4802

    its been happening to me lately also

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 961

    I am working on storing the ido_remember_me cookie value in the browser’s local storage and using it when a cached, non logged in page is served up. This isn’t as simple as cookies but the benefit of local storage is that it doesn’t expire. I should have this implemented before the weekend is over.

    For the time being, you may want to logout, clear cookies and login with the remember option checked. These cookies should last a year unless otherwise manipulated by your browser, extensions or other software installed on the client side.

    Posts: 4802

    These cookies should last a year unless otherwise manipulated by your browser

    Cookies never last a year around our house

    Posts: 3457

    I never stay logged in. I log in every time I access the site. Logged in with the first try today. woot

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22219

    I have to re log in every time but it saves my name and password. Takes 2 seconds. Hats off the Mr Dave. I could never figure out a website lol

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1571

    I’ve been kicked off several times and my post count dropped in half. Not a big deal, but definitely a hiccup.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11102

    Out of curiosity, what does the number next to my avatar stand for?
    FYI – It was at 13 for the past couple of years and then jumped to 15 about a month ago

    1. 6C0F7D14-E251-4D09-9074-1C4F5049BF1C.png

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13017

    Out of curiosity, what does the number next to my avatar stand for?
    FYI – It was at 13 for the past couple of years and then jumped to 15 about a month ago

    from what i gathered when i notice it change i click on it and it shows notifications!!!!!!!!

    i get alot of nude Iowa cow pictures from iowaboy!!!!!!!!!! devil rotflol rotflol

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11102

    Good thing I didn’t click on it. Well, maybe for a minute anyway. smirk

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13017

    Good thing I didn’t click on it. Well, maybe for a minute anyway. smirk

    on a serious note…..thats where or how i get PM’s through IDO!!!!!!!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13017

    seems to be getting worse……………….

    Posts: 3457

    I logged in fine twice today. toast

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1611

    Again today for me too

    Posts: 2864

    I seemed to have not been affected more than a couple times prior to this week, but now it’s happening often. Have hit “remember me” every time I log in(prior to entering username/pass) and it keeps me logged in maybe 40-50% of the time.

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