IMO I would look at a hub fish house very reasonably priced and you can lug it around in a car/van/SUV and lightweight. Buy a used hand auger, new blades are cheap for them and you can pay a guy that knows how to sharpen them if your not comfortable doing it yourself. Then you’ll always have a sharp spare when your other set gets dull. And like you said you could buy a drill later on and there’s your battery powered auger. You don’t need a flasher but they are more enjoyable to watch then staring at a hole for hours just dreaming whats down there haha. Also, I would suggest like others have, just pay the 10 bucks for the navionics map for your phone and that will help save time on drilling and more time fishing.
Ive thought about doing the navionics app but have no clue what to look for or fish. I understand the contour lines mean depth, but no clue what to fish for certian areas. Expecially with me not knowing a whole lot about fishing to start with.