Getting Skunk Smell out of the Garage

  • Dan
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    Two nights ago I sat in the woods with a 20-guage until dark but my only kill of the night came with 22LR around 8pm when I shot a skunk in our garage.

    Obviously…it smells awful in there. I’ve had some success with a bleach/water mix so far, just wondering if anyone else has had success with another method.

    Posts: 5307

    This for some odd reason reminds me of my teen years.

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 944

    No first hand experience but rental centers have ozone generators that they claim will neutralize odors.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3421

    Shot a skunk? Is that what kids are calling it these days?

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5561

    Fry up a bunch of bacon in there. That should cover the smell! 😋🥓

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1755

    Two nights ago I sat in the woods with a 20-guage until dark but my only kill of the night came with 22LR around 8pm when I shot a skunk in our garage.

    Obviously…it smells awful in there. I’ve had some success with a bleach/water mix so far, just wondering if anyone else has had success with another method.

    Ozone generator ? Close it up and let it run for a couple hours . Let me know if it works? LOL, back of my truck still stinks from mister stinky that sprayed inside a tube trap under water ? Dripped onto bed matt. Scrubbed with Dawn soap and still stinks.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11093

    Hopefully EdisonKate can give some advice on this matter.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12948

    i’d go with not shooting it in the garage.

    one bear season i opened the shed we had our bait in only to fing a stink kitty enjoying the smorgasbord of bait we had stored in there. i did entertain the idea of shooting it but the thought of the stink i decided against it. i did manage to get enough bait out to refresh a few bait stations. couple hours later pepe lepu was gone. i moeve all the bait to a big steel bin we have and fixed to space he came in on!!!!!!!!!

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1598

    Use a variation of the dog cleanup mixture:

    – ¼ cup of baking soda.
    – 1-2 teaspoons of mild dishwashing detergent like Ivory Snow.
    -1 quart of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution.
    – 2 quarts water

    Mop the floor, wipe down wallls. It will require more than one application.

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1568

    A coffee can full of lutefisk should take care of the skunk smell. But, you’ll have a new problem. A bunch of Norwegians will be hanging out in there.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22128

    Dang, bad place to shoot that thing. Never in or near the structures. Scrub with dawn and keep fans running with the door open

    Posts: 2853

    I would have let him go out the garage door.
    Are you by chance married Dan? Probably not any more.

    Posts: 583

    This thread reminds me that free advice is worth what you pay for it.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11093

    I kinda like the smell. It reminds of the beer I drink. toast rotflol

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9014

    Spill a bud light in the garage, then you will come to appreciate the smell of skunk in comparison.

    Posts: 4802

    Why would you shoot it in your garage in the first place I’m wondering? Open the door and leave and let it wander out rotflol

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    I get that it’s easy to second-guess a guy on the internet. I understand that with the little info in my original post there’s not much to go off of and I would agree with anyone that thinks it’s questionable or a bad move based on what I wrote.

    I’m not going to bore anyone with simple varmint problems but there were a variety of variables and factors involved with this, so my reality was I wanted this thing dead when I had the chance.

    Posts: 2838

    Well, not knowing the other complicating factors, I’d have to agree that shooting it in the garage would be an absolute last resort, if an option at all… lol.

    WhT is that one old concoction I always hear to use on bird dogs??? A mix of water and… prayer? rotflol But no for real help me out here- drawing a blank

    Edit: guess it’s the recipe Brad posted but I seem to remember another ingredient. Faulty memory maybe. Good luck Dan

    Posts: 2920

    There is an enzyme cleaner called Natures Miracle they sell at pet stores that breaks down the chemical components of stuff like cat urine. The people that lived in our house before us had cats and one of them must’ve been a tom. He routinely sprayed in the basement to the point where it soaked all the way to the concrete floor, after ripping up up the carpet I did repeated treatments with the stuff over a few weeks before tiling the space over. Did the trick! and it was BAAAAADDDDD before I treated it. Might want to give it a look for and see if it’s effective – although with a skunk, I assume it’s not just one spot, it’s probably everywhere on a microbial level. GOOD LUCK!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6138

    Give the Hydrogen Peroxide solution a try. Otherwise I would try the old 50/50% vinegar water a try.


    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    I’ve seen this advertised on The Outdoor Channel and some other hunting websites. I’ve never used it, but I think I’m going to buy a bottle. Supposed to be safe to spray on anything, including pets.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1866

    My buddy worked for a crime scene clean up and they put cat litter on pooled up smelly messes and it got rid of the odor. I tried it in the trunk of my car, I left some deer meat in there and forgot and it took the stink out.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2843

    Clean up what you can, but honestly, just gonna take time and ventilation.

    Posts: 527

    Lmao. At least you have a story to tell. I wish you luck on the smell. I haven’t a clue how to get that out other than time and air movement like stated above.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3421

    Man, that’s a tough one and not sure what advice to give other than the standard skunk remedies. I shot a skunk at the end of my driveway (125 yards from my house) a couple summers ago and it stunk terribly like skunk in that area for a good 2-3 weeks afterwards. Good luck and I hope you are able to get that smell out.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I wish I had something to offer, but I’ve been trying for a year to get that smell out of my boat.

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    I heard this product is pretty good. The only thing is I think you have to buy it on line.
    ORDER Xit

    Posts: 4802

    I wish I had something to offer, but I’ve been trying for a year to get that smell out of my boat.

    you must of spilt a can of hamms in your boat huh?

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2843

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Brian Klawitter wrote:</div>
    I wish I had something to offer, but I’ve been trying for a year to get that smell out of my boat.

    you must of spilt a can of hamms in your boat huh?

    The raccoons and skunks have an agreement. The Raccoons open the cans with their fingers and opposable thumbs, then the skunks spray it so it is palatable. Then they split it.

    Posts: 4802

    The raccoons and skunks have an agreement. The Raccoons open the cans with their fingers and opposable thumbs, then the skunks spray it so it is palatable. Then they split it.

    Hahaha! That’s quite the teamwork!

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