Getting out of hand

  • gim
    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    I know there’s been a couple of threads recently about the price of gas.

    Now its my turn to vent on the subject.

    Saw this in Baldwin, WI today. $4.14/gal for premium?! Holy hannah this is getting to be just obnoxious now. And the worst part is that its only February 8. In May, regular 87 octane unleaded is going to be 4 bucks/gallon.

    Sorry for the duplicate photos.

    1. price-tag-1.jpg

    2. price-tag.jpg

    Adam Steffes
    Posts: 439

    Ummmmm….I have a feeling we haven’t seen anything yet. coffee

    Posts: 2596

    Yup. Price per barrel needs to be above a certain amount to make oil shale extraction profitable. High gas price sucks for end users, but workers in oil shale production will be quite happy to be working to produce.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Crude Oil Apr 2022 $87.91 -1.86
    Crude Oil May 2022 $86.58 -1.75
    Crude Oil Jun 2022 $85.34 -1.68

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4086

    I opened this thread expecting it to be about new boat prices.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Yup. Price per barrel needs to be above a certain amount to make oil shale extraction profitable. High gas price sucks for end users, but workers in oil shale production will be quite happy to be working to produce.

    toast Here’s to their unhappiness. Hopefully.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    I opened this thread expecting it to be about new boat prices.

    Haha. I’m sure those are out of hand too.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    Crude Oil Apr 2022 $87.91 -1.86
    Crude Oil May 2022 $86.58 -1.75
    Crude Oil Jun 2022 $85.34 -1.68

    Are these the futures Brian? Hopefully it starts to go down but I aint holding my breath with spring on the way.

    Posts: 1287

    these high prices really raise havic on the working class, but washington is cluless with the policys they shove down our throats.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    My brother in law is trucking Denver -Vegas, New Mexico, to Texas and back to Denver. Few areas he is seeing diesel above $4.50 and reg gas at 4.20.

    I sure do miss cutting lawns when gas was $.379 per gallon

    Posts: 631

    My only hope is this will drive the price down in trucks as I am in the market for a new one.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Are these the futures Brian? Hopefully it starts to go down but I aint holding my breath with spring on the way.


    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    I put 26 gallons into a 2022 Ford Expedition Max this weekend outside of Palm Springs California after what seemed to be relatively little driving. After pushing it close to E I was able to find a steal of a deal at $5.09 a gallon (an even $5 for paying in cash). The highest I saw was $5.19 and the lowest I saw in the area was $4.85.

    Everything I’ve read shows crude prices between $80-90 a barrel for this Summer and Fall – which would mean prices in the mid $3’s for most of us here in MN

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093

    I agree it’s out of hand doah all beer went up a buck a case. doah ???

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    What better way to prematurely force us into EV than to make oil/gas unobtanium?
    Its all part of a plan.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5249

    Who buys premium? If you buy a vehicle that needs premium you are obviously able to afford the gas. I have seen $3.25 in my neck of the woods and actually went down again today.
    It might get up to $4 ish by summer so be it. Some will bich about it like usual but they will keep driving cross country and life will go on.
    Maybe covid 22 will make an appearance this Spring? Basically begged me to fish 5 days a week in spring of 2020! Going to miss it……sigh.

    1. 20200421_185441-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 2596

    What better way to prematurely force us into EV than to make oil/gas unobtanium?
    Its all part of a plan.

    It’s no coincidence that all the major auto manufacturers are falling all over themselves to build substantial numbers of EVs in just the next couple years. The new infrastructure plan is heavily invested in charging and upgrades to the power grid.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17538

    I heard they are building a stretch of freeway in Michigan that has a charging system built into the roadbed so you charge while driving.

    I’m sure there are big incentives for the Big 3 on the EV.

    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1390

    Miss this

    1. ADA7DADE-13A3-4930-BB32-A77D5B1EE6CF.jpeg

    Posts: 1287

    Who buys premium? If you buy a vehicle that needs premium you are obviously able to afford the gas. I have seen $3.25 in my neck of the woods and actually went down again today.
    It might get up to $4 ish by summer so be it. Some will bich about it like usual but they will keep driving cross country and life will go on.
    Maybe covid 22 will make an appearance this Spring? Basically begged me to fish 5 days a week in spring of 2020! Going to miss it……sigh.

    all my small engines get premium only,boat, lawn mower, chainsaws,atv,leaf blower, tiller, don’t sound like much, but they all add up

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    all my small engines get premium only,boat, lawn mower, chainsaws,atv,leaf blower, tiller, don’t sound like much, but they all add up

    This wasn’t that type of premium. The ethanol free premium was even more! It was $4.29/gal.

    That’s the stuff I use in my outboard, snow blower, and lawn mower too. It hasn’t snowed here more than about an inch at a time since December though so I haven’t used my snow blower much.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I don’t know about you guys but I worked from home for more than a year straight and currently work from home Mondays and Fridays. I know not everyone has the opportunity to do this but many do nowadays. The price of gas could go to $6 a gallon and I would still spend less than I spent 2 years ago. Not saying I enjoy the higher prices just saying higher prices don’t always mean higher expense… carry on

    Posts: 6712

    I don’t know about you guys but I worked from home for more than a year straight and currently work from home Mondays and Fridays. I know not everyone has the opportunity to do this but many do nowadays. The price of gas could go to $6 a gallon and I would still spend less than I spent 2 years ago. Not saying I enjoy the higher prices just saying higher prices don’t always mean higher expense… carry on

    For the rest of the country seeing EVERYTHING increase 15-300% (except wages of course) is a terrible thing.

    I was at a 1/4 tank today and topped off my truck for a cool $103…

    Healthcare aside, rising energy costs hit American’s pocketbooks harder than anything else.

    Xcel Energy has a nice price hike coming too.

    tip of the mitten
    Posts: 412

    this isn’t the first time gas has been this high. It’s been higher in the past.

    and that ev charging road in michigan…it won’t be here for years yet.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5249

    my boat is still topped off with treated non oxy ready to roll come April. Probably will need to refill one or two more times through June then chill until October and fish until the freeze. so i spend $500 in gas for my boat….meh.
    i did go with the green energy with my strikelite this winter and my leafblower for summer. i use my gas hog weed wacker about 12 times a year and my rider has been getting regular 87 for 12 years without any problems. there hasn’t been this much opportunity for advancement in the workplace since EVER. places are hiring like no other time that i have ever seen. prove your worth and make a better life for yourself and your family if you feel you are worth it!

    tip of the mitten
    Posts: 412

    a mile long stretch, expected completed date. not much road construction gets completed on time. the article also did not mention how much charge to a battery will be done in the 1 mile stretch.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22367

    my boat is still topped off with treated non oxy ready to roll come April. Probably will need to refill one or two more times through June then chill until October and fish until the freeze. so i spend $500 in gas for my boat….meh.
    i did go with the green energy with my strikelite this winter and my leafblower for summer. i use my gas hog weed wacker about 12 times a year and my rider has been getting regular 87 for 12 years without any problems. there hasn’t been this much opportunity for advancement in the workplace since EVER. places are hiring like no other time that i have ever seen. prove your worth and make a better life for yourself and your family if you feel you are worth it!

    If 1 gets a way better job then does gas go down? Or was that some random thoughts you threw out? I do really good for my self and family, especially for no college education.
    But fuel is still pretty spendy. My work truck can eat 150 bucks a day. That hurts every one but crappie

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