I used to shoot daily and hunt archery only. This was till I had a accident and tore my bicep and rotary cuff.
It’s been a few years and I think I’m ready to start shooting again.
I have no interest in cross bow.
My last bow was a mathews z7 when they were the top of the line and now I’m just deciding on what way to go. I don’t really want to go and drop 2 to 3k on a set up, I’m looking at 1500 for a full set up. But I want a nice light good bow that will last until I can gift it to my son who is turning 11 in a month.
Anything on the market at the moment that is a must have, or must stay away from. I stop in at full draw outdoors often and talk to those guys and search for second hand often. The elites really catch my eye, but it seems as if all the bows this day and age are pretty nice.
Any input helps.
February 24, 2022 at 1:42 pm