They’re fun short term, but $800+ a month around the Duluth area (that was the going rate a couple years ago).
If you have an area that you love, I’d look for a small lot out in the rhubarb.
For $5,000-$20,000 you could have an acre or 10 that’s your’s forever. Keep it simple and do an off-the-grid lifestyle for a few years before you completely commit to running power/well/sewer (that’s even if you ever do). Dig an outhouse hole, and load up some gas and water for the weekend. Mow or weed whip an area big enough to park and stretch your legs around a fire and you’re golden.
Virtually zero maintenance needed, just knock the weeds down a few times a summer. For even less maintenance, you could put down class five in a big area and spray for weeds once a summer.
With cash to the right seller you could get a hell of a deal right now, and have unlimited privacy compared to a campground.
Put some wanted ads up in the local bars/restaurants in the area you’re looking at and you could possibly find a place without having to deal with a realtor. But it could be worth your time to ask a local realtor if they know of anything for sale or coming up.
Most of the small vacant parcels listed online are way overpriced compared to what they sell in the real world.
Driving the countryside and looking for signs doesn’t hurt either if you have the time.
In the long run you’ll be a ton of money ahead and have an asset to pass down and/or get your money back (likely more) at almost any time. Taxes are typically dirt cheap on small vacant lots.
Here’s a picture of Ben and Hank around the fire last night on our land. It’s almost like Ben is talking you into it
We got lucky and have a quiet public access across the street from our land, and the neighbors let us use a spare dock of theirs if we want to leave a boat/kayaks in for the weekend!