Get your wallets out!

  • buddah6
    Posts: 150

    Fish houses and wheelhouses require license purchase for ice fishing

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083


    Posts: 150

    Link is not working for some reason.. DNR webpage all wheelhouses must buy a permit now..

    Posts: 150

    Minnesota Fish Houses and Wheelhouses Require License Purchase This Season – Fox21Online

    Minnesota Fish Houses and Wheelhouses Require License Purchase This Season

    Posts: 3915

    looks like the MN dnr found a way to pay for ais funding

    Brady Valberg
    Posts: 326

    South Dakota did the same crap a year or 2 ago

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    This doesn’t bother me in the least bit. I’d buy a third boat before a wheelhouse. The idea of not being able to move spots in less than a minute or two when ice fishing would drive me nuts.

    Elk River, MN
    Posts: 213

    The only problem I have with it is this.

    “A valid license tag must be attached to the outside of the fish house in a readily visible location”.

    The spirit of the law tells me I can tape the license to the inside of a window so it’s visible. But a CO may disagree. The letter of the law says the flimsy piece of plastic has to be on the outside of a trailer.

    The ink always fades beyond recognition before the end of the season, and there’s no way it’ll survive going 70 mph down the highway for long.

    Posts: 36

    All the taxes!

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Bout time. I used to pay for my 1 man fish trap back in the 90s. The DNR had to lose a massive amount of revenue with the invention of the wheelhouse and removal of portables from this requirement.

    Brad Dostal
    Posts: 156

    We have our wheelhouse registration through wi DMV as a camper I believe and we have a license plate on our shack. So will I need this license through Minnesota also? If so does anybody know how much it is for a non-resident? Doesnt matter to me one way or the other just want to get it if I need it. Thanks

    Posts: 56

    This is not completely true….the regulations as I can find have not changed since last ice season.

    If you leave your house unattended between midnight and 1 hour before Sun rise then you NEED a shelter license

    If you DO NOT leave your house unattended between midnight and 1 hour before sunrise you DO NOT NEED a shelter license.

    1. Screenshot_20171120-192740.png

    Elk River, MN
    Posts: 213

    It’s true. Pulled this off the MN DNR Website today

    News Release
    Fish houses and wheelhouses require license purchase for ice fishing

    November 20, 2017

    New definition of portable shelter expands types of structures needing to be licensed

    Beginning this ice fishing season, anglers using a wheelhouse type of ice or dark-house shelter are required to purchase a license to place the shelter on the ice, even when occupying it.

    A new definition for portable shelters has been provided in law, which states that a portable shelter is one that collapses, folds or is disassembled for transportation.

    “Wheeled fish houses, which formerly were considered portable – and thus excluded from licensing requirements for shelters – will now need to be licensed,” said Al Stevens, fisheries survey and systems consultant with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. “In the past, anglers using wheelhouses could use them without shelter licenses as long as they were occupied, including overnight.”

    A shelter meeting the new definition of portable only needs a license when a person leaves it unattended, meaning they are farther than 200 feet from the shelter.

    The change pursued by the DNR and enabled by 2017 legislation accompanied hunting and angling fee increases. An annual resident shelter license is $16. A three-year license is $43. Owners of houses to be rented pay $31 annually or $88 for a three-year license.

    A valid license tag must be attached to the outside of the fish house in a readily visible location. On border waters, a shelter license is not required on the Minnesota side if the neighboring state doesn’t require a shelter license for its waters.

    To learn more about the fishing and hunting license dollars are spent, visit Shelter or fishing licenses can be purchased at DNR license agents across Minnesota, by phone at 888-665-4236 or online at

    Posts: 56

    Thanks for the clarification!!!
    They should do a better job of advertising that, cuz it’s not in the regs that you can download and it isn’t posted in the revisions to the regs.

    I found the article at the bottom of the news section, so I thank you very much for making me aware of this otherwise the CO and I would have had a spirited discussion!
    Again many thanks!!!

    Elk River, MN
    Posts: 213

    I’m with you, had no idea until I read the post. They should get these changes in before they print the books.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    so wheelhouses and darkhouses need a license but a portable, i.e. a hub house or flip over do not need a license unless they are unattended?

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    so wheelhouses and darkhouses need a license but a portable, i.e. a hub house or flip over do not need a license unless they are unattended?


    Posts: 56

    According to the article that is correct

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Bout time. I used to pay for my 1 man fish trap back in the 90s. The DNR had to lose a massive amount of revenue with the invention of the wheelhouse and removal of portables from this requirement.

    I remember this too, there was a couple holes in the tag and you’d safety pin it to the canvas.

    The ink always fades beyond recognition before the end of the season, and there’s no way it’ll survive going 70 mph down the highway for long.

    Not sure that is true. I have seen the tag on the outside of permanent skid houses sitting out there for months/years if a 3 year without fading beyond recognition. Guess you and everyone else will have to figure out how to attach it without it blowing off. ???

    This does seem reticent by the DNR to have not announced this more openly and publicly, previous to now at the beginning of the ice season. mad

    Posts: 539

    Why in one thread you guys spend money like it grows on trees, but god forbid you have too spend an extra $16 to fish…maybe don’t respoil 3 of your 10 reels this winter and call it even. LOL

    That said, yes those tags fade quickly, mine faded in less then 2 months and I bought the 3 yr liscense. Never got busted as you could barely make out the year…and it’s on record if they look it up.

    Funny you say that. I just bought four pieces of fly line for my rattle reels at L&M Fleet today for $3.99 each. Although I did my 3-year shelter license last week. Small price paid compared to my Ice Castle, augers, vexilars etc. How often do you spend money on bait only to end a weekend of fishing and have to buy more in a couple weeks?

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    Sorry I disagree with this TAX 100%

    Whats thier reasoning to add this new TAX license? My wheel house already has a license to roll down the road. It also keeps me warm while fishing just like my jacket and bibs……guess we should have a licence for them also. TOTAL DNR BS!

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    MN DNR To Implement License Fee for all Fixed and Portable Deer Stands for 2018 Deer Season……

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6134

    Sorry I disagree with this TAX 100%

    Whats thier reasoning to add this new TAX license? My wheel house already has a license to roll down the road. It also keeps me warm while fishing just like my jacket and bibs……guess we should have a licence for them also. TOTAL DNR BS!

    I agree on this. Correct me if I’m wrong here. When wheel houses first became available, there was a fish house license needed and no trailer tax. Then they changed the rule to only need a trailer license. Now they want both? Seems like a good basis for a lawsuit against the DNR.


    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    My wheel house already has a license to roll down the road.

    And its fine ON THE ROAD. Take it off the road to fish and its a whole new game, and one I agree with.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mocha wrote:</div>
    My wheel house already has a license to roll down the road.

    And its fine ON THE ROAD. Take it off the road to fish and its a whole new game, and one I agree with.

    What else do you take off the road to fish would you like to put a License on?

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6134

    What else do you take off the road to fish would you like to put a License on?

    Again, I agree. What is the difference between a wheelhouse and sitting in a pickup truck watching tip ups? Will we need a new shelter license (tax) on our cars and trucks? It’s a slippery slope for sure.


    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I haven’t registered my wheelhouse in about 4 years, never needed to. Only took it with on weekends and we never left…looks like the good ole days are gone.

    Also tough for me since I have a portable spear shack, but it doesn’t collapse or fold down so it doesn’t fall under their “portable” parameters…so now I’ll have to register that too, even though I NEVER leave it on the ice. Looks like I’ll be registering both and spending $30/year on it em…In the grand scheme of things $30/year isn’t bad, but it still stinks.

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