George Foreman RIP

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11124

    Loved that guy.
    When people would say “I’d get in the ring and let him punch me for a million” I would say that also until I saw him punch Joe Frasier.
    The Rumble in the Jungle was awesome.

    Posts: 112

    I met him once at a boxing event years ago and was allowed to glove up and I told him to give me his best shot, hardly even phased me. Ok, maybe not…
    Seemed like a very decent man, RIP George.

    Posts: 2868

    A good boxer and a helluva grill salesman.
    RIP George.

    Posts: 3463

    I think I saw it at the Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum in Myrtle Beach. A life size reproduction of George Foreman’s fist. Frickin’ huge. Volume-wise probably 50-100% bigger than a normal man’s fist.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3242

    He told a story about how he would train heavily and ride miles and miles on a stationary bike every day. His Dr warned him that riding bikes so much would make him sterile. Well, then he had 12 kids.

    RIP George.

    Posts: 1720

    He was a heck of an all around good dude. Foreman and Madden were the best sports commentators of all time.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17519

    The interview I heard on the radio today said Foreman was pretty much hated in boxing circles until years after his retirement. People started warming up to him when the grill thing took off and he was on TV all the time. Just what they said, I was a Clay fan so I didn’t pay much attention to Foreman.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5269

    The interview I heard on the radio today said Foreman was pretty much hated in boxing circles until years after his retirement. People started warming up to him when the grill thing took off and he was on TV all the time. Just what they said, I was a Clay fan so I didn’t pay much attention to Foreman.

    Did they say why he was hated?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17519

    He was warned by a trainer that the media and promoters were all out for themselves. By all accounts he was a pretty good kid when he won Gold at the Olympics, it was after he turned pro that he changed. It was on a program on Maddog XM radio this morning. Like I mentioned earlier I don’t know if it’s true but the guy was pretty positive.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18965

    I heard on the radio that the original Foreman Grill sold over 100 million units. shock

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