generator size

  • puddlepounder
    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    How big/what size generator is needed to run 2 refrigerators and a 1/2hp sump pump?

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    Here’s a handy chart from Honda

    The concern is having enough reserve power to start the compressors in the fridges, or the pump motor. While all 3 are running, you could get away with a 2000 watt unit, but if the refrigerators are running, and the sump pump starts, you can see the surge power needed.

    I’d look at a 3000+ watt unit, just to have a little reserve if needed.


    ps: if you have a store near you that rents generators, rent one and see how it performs. I was able to discount the Honda EB3000 once I realized that despite it’s rated wattage, it did not have the reserve capacity to start my air compressor.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    From some experience…like a boat, get the largest one you can afford. I have 4500 watts and wished I would have gone larger for the house with central air.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    It’s difficult to generalize with larger appliances like refrigerators because their is so much variation. A 10 year old model can use twice the watts of one built last year. Fridges especially have come down vastly in their energy consumption.

    It’s much better to look for the capacity plate where each appliance will list how many amps or watts of draw. On my fridge at home, it’s on a tag right inside the door.

    Keep in mind you need to “over-buy” in terms of watts because there is a startup surge of demand to start most higher wattage devices.


    brian schultz
    Minot, ND
    Posts: 158

    On the back usually there will be a data plate. If will either give amps or watts. If it gives amps you take amps x voltage. So say a freezer says 7amps it would be 7×120=watts so 840 watts to run it. Do that for all equipment and then buy a generator that is a little more then that. Generators usually are safe to run at 80 percent. A Honda 2000 will run at surge 2000 watts, but are designed to run at full load at 1600 watts.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    Thanks for the information, I am trying to decide if I want to put in another”ace in the hole” 12v back up sump pump as the one I currently have has seized up. There isn’t a replacement pump available so I have to replace the whole system. In the last 13 years, we haven’t had any power outages longer than a day. When the sump overflows, it does drain into the floor drain, I know that isn’t good either and if I have no power, the lift pump won’t pump into the mound. Just going over my options.

    Posts: 756

    The 12v system will work when you are not home. If you are home you can always charge the battery with your much smaller generator.


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