walking the soybean fields and pulling weeds by hand,same with corn ground,picked corn by hand two years in a row.
baling hay all summer long with a allis chalmers rotobaler,loading all of those bales by hand on a skid or hay rack and stacking them in a barn.
getting up before dawn to shell corn by hand every dang day/do chores for eternity for the hogs/sheep/butcher calf.
go to school,come home and do it all over again before doing homework,supper and a bath.
and I wonder why my body is worn out fifteen years before everyone elses my age.
watching a man walk on the moon on tv in grade school,opening the damn windows in the school building so that pressure could equalize during a tornado before we took shelter,nuke drills,to this day I still automatically want to duck for cover when I hear those sirens.
fun things??
building dams in the creek that ran through our old farmstead and swimming in the pool it made after taking hours to fill,mushroom hunting in the spring,stacking all of the windfall and having bonfires,FFA hay wagon rides and the supper afterwards,vacation bible school,hunting with gramps or dad and believe it or not,mom was the best shot out of all of us.
soaking cattails in kerosene.
ah,the steel soda can cannon !! got bored launching tennis balls and graduated to soaking large clumps of grass in gasoline and launching fireballs.
after a field was plowed and discked we would pretend to be in WWII and throw dirt clods at each other while ducked behind a furrow,dirt clods made good ‘bombs’ when you were a kid.
longing to be in the hundred acre woods with Christopher robin and the show always ended too soon.
being scared to death by the tornado in the wizard of Oz,now why in the F did they have to show that when spring just got a good start?
then I learned about black powder,ah,before I get myself into more trouble,lets just say they aint kidding when they said you could move mountains.
I can still feel that whipping and that was over forty years ago.
if its not raining tomorrow,I may go see if piglet or owl is ready to share some honey.
hope that dang tigger stays away until we get our fill,lol