Gear you can’t be without

  • Tim
    Posts: 13

    What’s your favorite piece of gear? A certain rod, reel, lure, sonar, auger, shelter, etc.?

    Ryan Wilson
    Posts: 335

    Without a doubt, my Milwaukee M18/Clam Plate setup. I have an 8” Lazer on it now but I’m considering downsizing to a 6”. Not that the setup can’t handle it but I don’t fish pike nearly as much as I used to so I don’t “need” an 8” hole anymore.

    A very close second would be my flasher. Coupled with the above setup, there’s no reason for me to not catch fish and this season has so far been skunk free because of it )

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11095

    Today it’s a shovel

    Posts: 154

    My Fl-20 and a pair of choppers. rotflol

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    I would say some type of sonar because if my battery dies I normally don’t stay out too much longer afterwards. Like eelpout said, it depends on the timing and weather. 30” of ice sucks with a hand auger, but 6″ is no sweet.

    Posts: 104

    electronics. don’t know how people used to fish without them. I can do everything else, sit on a bucket, fish with a stick and line.

    Dylan Salow
    Posts: 51

    Definitely my LX-7 lithium shuttle with my bullwhips close behind

    Bryan Myers
    Posts: 586

    My Marcum M5 or LX6 I would have a hard time even going on the ice with out electronics.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12493

    A dependable auger, everything else after that is just convenience! rotflol

    Posts: 2123

    A dependable auger, everything else after that is just convenience! rotflol


    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    I would have said a flasher, until I got out on the ice Saturday night after the kids went to bed, and my 100% perfect auger of 9 years could all of sudden hardly drill a hill. I think I need to get the carb tuned up.

    So an auger, literally can’t fish without one.

    North Metro
    Posts: 998

    Beer. Don’t think I could ice fish without it.

    Been thru different locators, rods, augers, houses, atv’s over the past 20 years but have almost always had beer with me on the ice.

    But on a more serious note, I think the single most productive lure for me is a variety of sizes and colors of Custom Jigs & Spoons Demon lures. Smaller options for panfish and perch, and larger variations for walleye, pike and trout.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13912

    Truck. Pretty vital in getting myself and all other gear to anywhere

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Fl-8 in the winter

    fly rod in the spring

    leaches in the summer

    jarrod holbrook
    Posts: 179

    Gonna go soft on you guys, but friends. Ice fishing has always been a great time with the guys.If we catch anything or not the memories, stupid stories, items dropped down the hole, and even a few mounted fish always will be there. That being said, if I forget the flasher or it won’t work then I go home immediately LOL.

    Posts: 12

    Lowrance Elite 4x Love that unit. I could not go back to a Traditional flasher.

    Posts: 6259

    My Marcum M5 or LX6 I would have a hard time even going on the ice with out electronics.


    Posts: 13

    Have to say the leatherman on this one…

    Good one. Didn’t think of that. Alright now what’s your go to lure?

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2030

    Flasher, Kdrill, live bait, QT rod, and a tunsten jig.

    Posts: 30

    My bull whip,helps me throw a beating on crappies with #3 ripping raps,and also a great many trips fishing whitefish in green bay

    Posts: 292

    Helix 5 on my genz box second would be Milwaukee fuel on mora hand auger does about 400 to 600 inchs of ice on a single xc 5.0 battery

    Matt M
    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 169

    For ice fishing gas auger (or electric if that’s your flavor). Nothing going to happen if you can’t get through the ice. Also gps with lake maps which I can’t believe no one has said yet. Then house, heater and flasher.


    Posts: 1291

    A good fitting pair of ice creepers.If you take a good digger on the ice,all that other stuff may be no good.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    That being said, if I die, don’t give me flowers. Bring me a bunch of fishing poles and bury those with me…LOL. thanks

    SW Eyes
    Posts: 211

    My striker bibs with waterproof/padded knees and my Marcum.

    Not fun to fish when you’re cold and/or wet, and there isn’t a peice of equipment that has improved my success rate (or anyone here, I’d imagine) like a flasher.

    As mentioned, it’s also pretty hard to fish if you can’t get through the ice.

    Wayzata, MN
    Posts: 34

    LX-9, fishing blind without it.

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