Using a credit card to pay for a gas is a no brainer. Using a credit card for practically all purchases is the way to go, paying in cash is old fashioned and outdated. Perks of using credit cards:
-Safer than carrying/using cash and/or debit cards.
-If your card gets lost/stolen there is literally 0 chance you lose any money, the credit card issuer takes on all the risk.
-Allows you to earn various rewards/perks (I just booked a flight using solely Delta SkyMiles).
-Helps you to build your credit score.Pay it off monthly, never carry a balance, never pay any interest… it’s not “new fashioned”, at this point using a credit card for day to day purchases is basically common sense.
My mom co-signed a credit card for me in high school. I never had access to it, and she bought groceries every time with it and got airline miles.
I had great credit because of her and she saved so much interest for me later in life.