Gas Prices

  • CaptainMusky
    Posts: 25044

    I do recall filling up the boat last week before Vermilion and thinking that a little offensive. I think Non-Oxy was in the $4.50 territory and the bill was over $200.

    Yeah that hurts! My boat holds nearly 50 gallons and I dread filling it from empty.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1894

    I think that electric F150 that will go 72 miles before having an empty battery is looking good. Hoping I can get a 30 year fixed rate mortgage on it.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    Actually I had some EV training today… 33.7KWH charge is equivalent to 1 gallon of gas. At todays prices, .14c/kwh 33.7kwh will cost $4.74 with an at home charger (12-14 hrs). A Supercharger (charges in 2-4 hours) will be $9.86 per gallon equivalent. So all things equal, slow charging at home would be break even with $4.74 per gallon of gasoline… using a fast charger will be like paying $9.86 per gallon at the pump coffee

    Posts: 25044

    Actually I had some EV training today… 33.7KWH charge is equivalent to 1 gallon of gas. At todays prices, .14c/kwh 33.7kwh will cost $4.74 with an at home charger (12-14 hrs). A Supercharger (charges in 2-4 hours) will be $9.86 per gallon equivalent. So all things equal, slow charging at home would be break even with $4.74 per gallon of gasoline… using a fast charger will be like paying $9.86 per gallon at the pump

    YOu cannot even make it up. EV cars are starting on fire in the flood waters from the latest hurricane too.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3480

    I always pay attention to the gas prices and know what gas stations are the consistently the cheapest in town. In my area, I see a range of ~20-30 cents per gallon difference in gas prices depending on what station you go to, sometimes more.

    Along with using traditional coupons that get emailed/texted to me that are 7-10 cents off per gallon, I use the getupside app to get anywhere from another 10-20 cents off per gallon on every fill up. I save a few hundred $$$ a year on gas just by being conscious of where and how I buy my gas.

    Throw in using a specific credit card that gets 5% cash back on gas purchases, you can really put a dent into your fuel expense if you are smart about it. At $4/gallon, using a 5% cash back credit card would be the equivalent of 20 cents off per gallon.

    Posts: 2234

    One refinery should not be the problem for very long. If it was a specific refinery in the Midwest causing problems… they should have named it in the article. Refineries go through planned shutdown / turnarounds on a regular basis … so that should not be a big issue either.

    There are quite a few pipelines … especially from S to N and into Chicago. Refineries buy “time” on the pipelines.

    Winter-Summer and Summer-Winter blend changeovers do typically cause a brief spike … it used to be though in the fall prices fell and the summer-winter spike was lost in the overall cost down.

    Posts: 2234

    Higher gas prices are the goal of the current Federal (and I suspect state) administration. High gas prices are the ONLY way that the US population will curtail use.

    Raising taxes on gasoline (in most states) results in political election suicide, but stopping US exploration, drilling, and refining accomplishes the same thing … everyone can then blame the oil companies and the refining companies for gouging the public.

    By the way, the oil companies (exploration, drilling, and output) and the refining companies are not necessarily the same companies anymore. Many oil companies sold or split off their refineries years ago.

    Posts: 2234

    August 24th report – enjoy.

    The crack spread, the difference between petroleum product prices and crude oil prices, is an indicator of underlying trends in refining, and it usually makes up about 25% of the retail gasoline price. During the summer of 2023, US gasoline crack spreads had remained less than those of summer 2022, up until the final weeks of July and into August. Although US gasoline consumption has increased from last summer and inventories remain near five-year lows, recent developments in US refining activity are primarily driving crack spreads this summer.

    Several unplanned refinery outages have prevented refiners from producing enough high-octane blendstock to meet summer demand. Many of the outages have occurred at secondary conversion units, including fluid catalytic cracker (FCC) units, reforming units, and alkylation units.

    Some notable outages in 2023 have included Phillips 66’s Bayway New Jersey refinery, which reported an outage to its FCC unit, the largest FCC in the East Coast (PADD 1), which lasted until late July. In late July, ExxonMobil also reported an outage at one of its two FCC units at its Baton Rouge, Louisiana refinery, which lasted through August 6.

    Posts: 2234

    I stand corrected on US oil output.

    U.S. crude oil production. As a result of higher expected well-level productivity and higher crude oil prices, we expect U.S. crude oil production will average 12.8 million b/d in 2023 and 13.1 million b/d in 2024, both annual records.

    Posts: 37

    Actually I had some EV training today… 33.7KWH charge is equivalent to 1 gallon of gas. At todays prices, .14c/kwh 33.7kwh will cost $4.74 with an at home charger (12-14 hrs). A Supercharger (charges in 2-4 hours) will be $9.86 per gallon equivalent. So all things equal, slow charging at home would be break even with $4.74 per gallon of gasoline… using a fast charger will be like paying $9.86 per gallon at the pump coffee

    Might wanna check your math the big_g, and double-check whoever was doing the training…

    33.7KWH is equal to the energy of gallon of gasoline at the chemistry level. This is not related to miles for a vehicle.

    When you look at EVs, you’ll see their fuel efficiency listed as MPGe. The Mustang Mach-E has an efficiency of about 100 MPGe, meaning it will travel 100 miles using 33.7KWH of energy, or comparing to gasoline energy-wise, it gets 100 mpg.

    $0.14/KHW * 33.7KWH = $4.78 for 100 miles.

    Posts: 5321

    Missed a sweet title opportunity for “Gastradamus” jester

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    I have a question on all these electric car charging stations. Are the lines that plug in Copper or Aluminum? I recall when things were bad the last time around the meth heads were grabbing any Copper they could. Even getting fried messing with power pole transformers. How easy will it be stroll up to a bank of 10 charging stations and just hack the cords off?

    Posts: 602

    Gas in Rochester $4.10.

    Wood pellets for the pellet burner $6.43 a bag at Menards. Last year $4.00. RENEWABLE WOOD PELLETS.

    Sorry – I don’t care what side of the fence you’re on Bidenomics is not working. Either you are receiving too much free stuff or oblivious to think that things are ok.

    Posts: 3319

    I think the law is they can only make so much per gallon, maybe I’m wrong though.

    John the law in WI is minimum markup. I have never seen or heard of it being enforced. It is a law that is supposed to protect small independent businesses from being run out of business.
    An example would be a smaller town/city with a Kwik Trip and maybe 1 small independent Station.
    KT could sell below cost and basically run small station out of business. KT has so many other locations that loosing money in 1 small location really doesn’t affect them.

    There is no maximum on markup.

    In WI you can only change prices once in a 24 hour period. This does not get enforced either.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5249

    Its Biden Obama and Clinton’s fault no doubt! Good thing Walz sent me that check to fill up my trucks and boats with waytogo

    Posts: 518

    funny that it never goes down 20 to 40 cents overnight

    Posts: 2234

    The reason for EV is the idea that power plants can carbon capture or carbon neutralize … or energy companies can use solar & wind …

    Gas and Diesel engines not so much.

    I am fairly sure the total carbon footprint and environmental impact of EV vs. gasoline powered cars have been studied, compared and data published. I guess I have never really had the desire to go look for it.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2122

    Interesting Brittman thank you.
    I tend to think about what the “edges” are around the stats and data when I see things like this.
    Lots of unanswered questions for me. 34 years of working in public schools and watching how finance is ” created” has kind of tainted my belief in humans but that’s my issue.
    Once they have us all on electric I wonder how long it will be before electricity goes up in price every other day…… whistling

    Posts: 1174

    It’s just been a bad couple years with inflation and everything costing more. Just as some prices start to come down, gas hits us once again.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    Filled up for $3.59/gallon at Costco yesterday, and did a bunch of running around. Saw $4.19 in Minneapolis, $4.09 most everywhere else, except Red Wing/Hastings which was $3.99. And they are usually a little cheaper down there.

    Posts: 680

    Speedway off Louisiana/394 by Menards was $3.89 today for anyone in that area. Also $.05 off with a speedy rewards card which is free.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Seeing as low as $3.63 on upside. Tack on the 3% off I get using my AMEX and I’m down around $3.55. If I have cub foods points could get it below $3

    Posts: 3480

    Patrick DeHaan serves as head of petroleum analysis at Gas Buddy. He said the spike is due to issues at the Pine Bend refinery so most of these gas hikes are localized to the upper midwest. He also said, contrary to popular belief, that US oil production is almost at record levels. The oil companies are being cautious not to crank up production too much in case there’s another crash.
    Summer blends are in lower supply so refineries won’t have a lot left over when the switch to winter blends happens soon. Prices should come down when the winter blends can be sold and the refinery issues/maintenance are over.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6160

    I read a report indicating the reason for this local price increases.

    #1 – The Pine Bend refinery is off line for maintenance. (And is switching over to winter blend gas.)

    #2 – Northern regional refineries are switching over to winter blend gas. This is a cheaper product than the summer blend.

    So refineries are holding back the winter blend for another 10-15 days until the summer blend is sold out. Once that happens, prices in our “region” should moderate.


    Posts: 25044

    Seeing as low as $3.63 on upside. Tack on the 3% off I get using my AMEX and I’m down around $3.55. If I have cub foods points could get it below $3

    When using your AMEX dont the merchants charge a higher fee? Typically a lot of places do compared to Visa and Mastercard, etc.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    When using your AMEX dont the merchants charge a higher fee? Typically a lot of places do compared to Visa and Mastercard, etc.

    Actually I think that is mostly in the past. We don’t charge a different fee for Amex at work. I heard most places now are not charging more.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    RM, you are correct, it was 33.7/100 miles not per gallon of gas. So yes the math is off. They skimmed over this portion, because we got into semantics about the price of “off peak”… they were using those prices in their scenarios, which made electric seem better, but it was brought up, if everybody has an electric vehicle plugged in at night.. “off peak” will cease to exist !!! doah

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    I was just in a pinch and had to fill cans at the gas station instead of from the barrels by the buildings.

    It was $4.95 for non oxy…or about $70 for what I could carry in my 2 hands

    Posts: 156

    At the start of summer my wife saw an ad for a BP credit card that offered 50 cent off a gallon for 3 months. I got one and we used it for 3 months then she got one and we are using that one until the deal is done. I’m a big KT fan but this obviously beats any deal I can get there and this one station in town is usually the lowest to begin with and I drive by often. With an 11 and 13 year old in way too many sports and activities all over the midwest and trying to fit in fishing trips between it has certainly saved us some coin this summer. When I filled up yesterday the card offer now says 30 cents off not 50.

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