Gas can spout

  • riverruns
    Posts: 2218

    I bought a new 5 gallon gas can from FF. The nozzle sucks!! Cannot pull back the fricking safety thing, and when I can and tip the can fuel leaks.

    Without getting political. jester Where can I get a replacement nozzle that is old style. There has to be an underground market for replacement nozzles. waytogo Thanks.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12912

    Steal BK’S. waytogo devil coffee

    Posts: 55

    EBay. Search gas can spout and you should find what you need for your old school can

    frank z
    Posts: 34

    ff or menards have them.they also come with a vent you can install but they are about 10 bucks

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    there are websites that sell them because whoever designed these has to be an engineer. i mean why not try to fix something that isn’t broken!

    Posts: 354

    This has been a SERIOUS pev of mine… Whomever designed this piece of *;#@ing garbage, that changed all new sales, needs A lobotomy along with an 80 gallon old school Colonoscopy using pressure driven old school tanks…

    Posts: 5139

    I’ve bought a few of the replacement yellow flexible ones you find at FF ànd Menards, and they are incredibly dangerous. Personally had them sheer off twice, once it tipped over in the bed of the truck. Spilled 6 gallons of gas everywhere. Didn’t realize it happened until I pulled into my driveway. Could hear the gas dripping onto the exhaust, I’d never hooked up a hose to the faucet so fast in my life. They belong in the trash. I now just unscrew the original nozzles and pour directly into a funnel.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4317

    I bought a new 5 gallon gas can from FF. The nozzle sucks!! Cannot pull back the fricking safety thing, and when I can and tip the can fuel leaks.

    I think if you go to youtube they show you how to remove the part of the original nozzle. Just makes it a regular spout.

    Delta, WI
    Posts: 412

    A few years ago I went on a mission to go to Garage sales and buy at least 6 different sizes of the old gas cans that you open the vent on the other side and the gas just pours out of the spout. They were easy to find…I hate the new adult proof gas cans…

    Mike Burke
    Oskaloosa, Iowa
    Posts: 267

    I don’t know if this is what your looking for but…….I have had many gas cans and spouts and this is the best one I have ever had. Its awesome
    Stens Nozzle. I think it’s been talked about on here before.

    Posts: 4800

    I can’t stand them cheap spouts and cans. I use these now. They make them in 5 gallon and 3 gallon.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    But think of all the lives they have saved! And don’t forget the kids!!

    I recall the gas can company going out of business because of the new regulations. So sad.

    (Edit: guess it wasn’t the regulations after all)

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    From 2012

    Why the Largest Maker of Portable Gas Cans is Going Out of Business
    by Joe Wertz

    Blitz USA is based in Miami, Okla., and is the largest manufacturer of portable gas cans in the country.

    The company, founded as U.S. Metal Container, started by selling olive-drab “jerry cans” to the U.S. military. The green cans were later painted red and shipped to non-military retailers, and in 1992 the company changed its name because most of its products were no longer metal — they’re now plastic.

    Those red plastic fuel containers are ubiquitous, especially during the summer, when landscaping crews are out in full force.

    But Blitz has filed for bankruptcy and will shut its doors at the end of the month. Why? Because it can no longer afford product liability insurance, Marketplace’s Sally Herships reports.

    Deductibles for product liability insurance are often in the tens of millions of dollars, an expert in product liability law tells Marketplace. The rates go up even more if you have to use it, and Blitz is currently fighting 42 lawsuits.

    Most of lawsuits against Blitz were brought by the same three lawyers, Marketplace reports.

    Consumers have accused the company of making faulty cans that explode when used to pour gasoline onto fires.

    Blitz says its cans carry warnings that say you should never use gasoline to start or accelerate a fire.

    Even winning is expensive. Blitz beat one lawsuit in Texas, Marketplace reports, but the fight still cost the company about $2.5 million.

    “We have been operating under extremely litigious environment and have been working toward a solution for quite some time,” the company’s president, Rocky Flick, and its director or product development, Grant Kernman, wrote in a 2011 letter to its customers. “The defense costs related to increased litigation associated with fuel containment products is the primary factor that leads to our current situation.”

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Menard’s has these that are similar to the VPs but much more affordable ($20). We bought 4 of them for filling boats, and we’ve been happy. Because they have vents, they’re not “legally” sold as fuel canisters, but they obviously are. rotflol

    Menard’s – Utility Jugs

    Utility Jug

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I don’t know if this is what your looking for but…….I have had many gas cans and spouts and this is the best one I have ever had. Its awesome
    Stens Nozzle. I think it’s been talked about on here before.

    These do work very well for smaller cans, like what you use for a weed whacker or push mower. The only thing I hate about them is that the cans balloon and shrink with temperature fluctuations, but then again, I guess the whole point of the new style is that they don’t vent gas vapors or spill.

    Posts: 5139

    Consumers have accused the company of making faulty cans that explode when used to pour gasoline onto fires.

    Gotta love lawyers…. tongue

    Posts: 5139

    Menard’s has these that are similar to the VPs but much more affordable ($20). We bought 4 of them for filling boats, and we’ve been happy. Because they have vents, they’re not “legally” sold as fuel canisters, but they obviously are. rotflol

    Menard’s – Utility Jugs

    Utility Jug

    I was looking at those a few weeks ago, just wasn’t sure how well they’d work with the narrow spout. Would rather not hold a can for 10 minutes to pour a few gallons.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    I’ve added old spouts to my new style cans and added a vent hole to the back of the handle. I put a thumb screw in the vent hole when not is use.

    Mike m
    Posts: 237

    I don’t know if this is what your looking for but…….I have had many gas cans and spouts and this is the best one I have ever had. Its awesome
    Stens Nozzle. I think it’s been talked about on here before.

    <div class=”ido-oembed-wrap”><iframe title=”Stens 765-110 Fuel Can Nozzle Assembly For Stens Gas Can Stihl No Spill 6132″ type=”text/html” width=”850″ height=”550″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”” style=”max-width:100%” src=”″></iframe></div&gt;

    x2 . I have 3 of these now , best one i have ever used

    Posts: 1695

    Another thing to consider is that older cans had fine thread caps and newer cans have course threads.

    I just picked up some solid caps for my kerosene jugs so they take up less vertical storage room and makes a nice seal. Solid caps would also be great for transporting cans and not having to worry about spillage.

    I found solid caps on fleabay and each package included 2 fine thread and 2 course thread caps.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I was looking at those a few weeks ago, just wasn’t sure how well they’d work with the narrow spout. Would rather not hold a can for 10 minutes to pour a few gallons.

    They pour quite quickly. No complaints here.

    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 386

    The Stens nozzles are the best

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Mine broke on it’s own. It was one of the happiest lawn mowing days of my life.

    I probably spill 2Xs as much with these dumb safety nozzles as I do with the old nozzles. Mine had a lip you would depress on the rim of the gas tank. Well you had to apply some force and if you slipped, gas goes all over.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3138

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mike Burke wrote:</div>
    I don’t know if this is what your looking for but…….I have had many gas cans and spouts and this is the best one I have ever had. Its awesome
    Stens Nozzle. I think it’s been talked about on here before.

    These do work very well for smaller cans, like what you use for a weed whacker or push mower. The only thing I hate about them is that the cans balloon and shrink with temperature fluctuations, but then again, I guess the whole point of the new style is that they don’t vent gas vapors or spill.

    X2 or X3
    I love the GOOD no spill cans/nozzles. They work as intended and I don’t have gas fumes in my garage or my enclosed ATV trailer when hauling extra fuel. I don’t have to worry about spilling gasoline onto my mower or my ATV.

    It’s like most any other product out there, you get what you pay for.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Drill a hole in the back and screw in an air compressor tank drain. The spring tip works well if it can be vented properly. I have one like Mike posted above, but actually like the other, cheaper ones better with a vent.

    Posts: 265

    OK guys.To All of the engineers and mechanics I have a civil Eng degree and had to see this from some kids at lake Powell UT. Take a 3/4 Clear vinyl Tube stick into the bottom of the gas can and the other end obviously in your boats tank. take a 1/2” tube stick it into the top of the can not in the gas Put a rag over opening and blow into 1/2 tube you will set up a siphon action and it will drain your can faster and easier than standing over the edge holding a full can of gas. Just remember to remove siphon tube from gas can when boat is full and raise above the gas level to drain back into tank. Works slick then you do not have to depend upon some engineers latest federal PC idea

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