Garmin shuttle mount on Lund Sport Track

  • acarroline
    Posts: 793

    After taking the Garmin Livescope plunge I am in the process of completing the build out and am looking for some insight.

    I have 106sv and 93UHD2 head units, GLS10 and LVS34, brew city boat pole on a cisco mount to the sport track. Last weekend was the first boat use and it was a game-changer. Two issues were: (1) I need to run the network cable and power cable from the helm area to the front of the boat, not have them handing over the windshield. Easy enough, just wanted to make sure things worked as planned and they did, allowing us to share the livescope picture on both screens and effectively jig fish while seeing both of our lures. (2) Securing the main head unit/gls10/lvs34/battery (shuttle) on the boat. I did this by sitting it in the seat behind the driver seats but it was a bit awkward. I have a new Lund Crossover and having it unsecured on the gunnel wasn’t something I was comfortable with doing.

    My question is if anyone has used a plate-sport track mount to secure the shuttle on the gunnel. I’m looking at the possibility of a cisco sport track mount, to a Larmac 360 for rotation, to a plate, to a locking shuttle. I’ve seen this done with Arc Lab and HD Innovations seems to be nearing the release of more products and I’m hoping this is a possibility (really like their shuttle and ice pole). I could lay down 3 feet of track and just go track to Larmac 360 to Shuttle, but am not eager to drill into the new boat if I don’t need to and a sport track mount would allow for more boat movement without laying track every where.


    Posts: 19897

    I know its not what you want to do, but I just don’t trust those gunnel mounts with a 28+ lbs box sitting ontop of it held in place with some small brackets…if it fails, your $3,000 setup goes over and sinks to the bottom of the lake…

    I just keep the shuttle sitting on the bow carpet, not ideal, but there’s no worries of it somehow going over…maybe I worry too much….

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    I’m with Joe on this one…I haven’t seen the setup you’re talking about.

    My rear jump seat is a perfect spot for the shuttle to sit and for me to see it easily.

    If you put this system together post some pics.

    Posts: 839

    Not sure if this would help you, but this is what I have done with my Livescope setup. I only have the 93 UHD, but I purchased an additional power cord, network cable and 93UHD mount. This allow me to do a minimal changeover from winter on a shuttle to the boat in the summer. My boat is an Alumacraft Competitor and I have the 93UHD mounted on the dash, the GL 10 is mounted under the console (used bolts long enough so I can keep the screws tight enough not to turn and use a nylock nut to secure the GLS 10 to the console) and I run the LVS32 cable through the gunnel coming out just behind the throttle. This allows me to lock the pole and LVS32 in a lockable compartment. At switchover all I have to do is to switchover the GLS10 and the LVS32, all the other power cables and network cables stay on the boat or the shuttle. It’s a little hassle but not bad.

    Posts: 793

    I have some of the same apprehension that’s been stated, the weight of the unit being held be the locking aspect of the cisco mount. That apprehension is lessened for me know I would plan to set the shuttle on the floor while running at over 5 m/ph and have it on the mount when fishing. Yes, waves and such can still happen, but I don’t feel overly concerned about it….until it happens and then I am :). Cisco make a track system that has 2-3 tracks to hold 1-3 ft of track. This may be better but at that price point I’d either lay down track or figure out a more permanent solution.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    Oh man…”I would plan to set the shuttle on the floor when running over 5mph.”

    Those would be famous last words on my boat!

    Posts: 793

    Taking the winter to think about my OP I have another idea…

    Why not leave the shuttle on the ground and put the 10 inch screen on a ram mount that goes on my sport track? That is how I have the 2nd screen up front setup. Cord length for power and gls may be an issue?

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    Taking the winter to think about my OP I have another idea…

    Why not leave the shuttle on the ground and put the 10 inch screen on a ram mount that goes on my sport track? That is how I have the 2nd screen up front setup. Cord length for power and gls may be an issue?

    I was just looking at my shuttle yesterday. The power cords are short so that could be an issue. Garmin makes a bunch of adapters and different cable lengths so they may have something.

    Seems like a lot of work…I’d just put the shuttle on the rear seat or deck of there is room. I’m not sure the layout of the Lund but on my Ranger the rear jump seat is perfect. If I wanted to, I could make a mount for the rear deck. Maybe that would be an option versus drilling into the gunnel.

    Maybe post some pics of the boat so we can see the gunnel and rear deck.

    Posts: 2077

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>acarroline wrote:</div>
    Taking the winter to think about my OP I have another idea…

    Why not leave the shuttle on the ground and put the 10 inch screen on a ram mount that goes on my sport track? That is how I have the 2nd screen up front setup. Cord length for power and gls may be an issue?

    I was just looking at my shuttle yesterday. The power cords are short so that could be an issue. Garmin makes a bunch of adapters and different cable lengths so they may have something.

    Seems like a lot of work…I’d just put the shuttle on the rear seat or deck of there is room. I’m not sure the layout of the Lund but on my Ranger the rear jump seat is perfect. If I wanted to, I could make a mount for the rear deck. Maybe that would be an option versus drilling into the gunnel.

    Maybe post some pics of the boat so we can see the gunnel and rear deck.

    You have the same boat as I – you leave the shuttle in the jump seat jumping from spot to spot ? I feel like putting it on the fiberglass floor would make it jump around quite a bit as well hitting wakes.. Just curious why you dont scope off the dash unit ? Half the reason I havent jumped to livescope is it seems so inconvenient to me on where to put the shuttle and how to jump spot to spot quickly.

    Posts: 1111

    I know its not what you want to do, but I just don’t trust those gunnel mounts with a 28+ lbs box sitting ontop of it held in place with some small brackets…if it fails, your $3,000 setup goes over and sinks to the bottom of the lake…

    I just keep the shuttle sitting on the bow carpet, not ideal, but there’s no worries of it somehow going over…maybe I worry too much….

    X 2 Thats the way i have both of mine is in a bundle on the back jump seat. and also have a mount on my front rail for my brew city and set my shuttle on a milk crate on front floor for sniping up front

    OG Net_Man
    Posts: 901

    I could be mistaken but it sounds like a set up used by TJ Guide Svc. He has a video showing his gunnel set up for a shuttle. The others that I seen had the track screwed or bolted down to the gunnel.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    ISU22 – I used to do that but I’m on the river and always fishing out the back. I pulled the whole works out and put it in a shuttle. I don’t use LS much open water…it’s not real helpful on the river. It’s mainly an ice fishing tool for me now.

    Posts: 2077

    ISU22 – I used to do that but I’m on the river and always fishing out the back. I pulled the whole works out and put it in a shuttle. I don’t use LS much open water…it’s not real helpful on the river. It’s mainly an ice fishing tool for me now.

    I have seen some very impressive wing dam work on the river with livescope . I would love to pitch husky jerks on one with it . Or targeting big pike on p4 . I think it would be nice just to see how some wings lay .

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5334

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Matt Moen wrote:</div>
    ISU22 – I used to do that but I’m on the river and always fishing out the back. I pulled the whole works out and put it in a shuttle. I don’t use LS much open water…it’s not real helpful on the river. It’s mainly an ice fishing tool for me now.

    I have seen some very impressive wing dam work on the river with livescope . I would love to pitch husky jerks on one with it . Or targeting big pike on p4 . I think it would be nice just to see how some wings lay .

    That’s the only thing I use it for…it is very good to see your position to the wing dam and how steep the face is.

    Posts: 793

    Might be the answer I’ve been looking for??? HD SHuttle, HD docking plate,. this mount on the Lund sport track. Hmm….

    Heavy Duty Lund 90° SportTrak Downrigger Mount

    Ty Kennedy
    Posts: 151

    We have the ice bundle which houses a 6 foot power and network cable and a 12 inch graph on a Cisco track mount that we are able to move all around the boat. Works pretty slick and you don’t have to worry about a shuttle falling out at speed.

    Posts: 793

    We have the ice bundle which houses a 6 foot power and network cable and a 12 inch graph on a Cisco track mount that we are able to move all around the boat. Works pretty slick and you don’t have to worry about a shuttle falling out at speed.

    Do you have the tracks installed on your gunnels, or one of the setups where you have 12-36inches of track between two mounts?

    Posts: 418

    If I were you I’d just bite the bullet and put the longest tracks you can fit down each side and you’ll never look back. Your possibilities will be endless. Those Lund sport tracks are incredibly flimsy. It’s painful to drill the fist hole but after that it’s easy, especially if you can access the underside of your gunnel. Even if you can’t they can be riveted on easily too, that’s what I had to do on my last boat.

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1406

    You can badmouth Lund Sport Traks all you want but I’ve been using them for almost 15 years and they’ve all been very, very good.

    Posts: 418

    I’m sure they are fine if you’re towing around a couple crank baits with rods in rod holders or tool holders or stuff like that but anything more than that is pushing it. Try putting a triple tree, a dipsey rod and a rigger in that track and see how it fares. Hell I bet one wire dipsey rod would probably split that thing wide open. It’s just a trademark to catch fisherman. There’s no substitute for the security and strength in a track system. Not a thing to skimp on when theres literally thousands on the line.

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1406

    Everything has a breaking point if used for more than its intended purpose. Sport Trak is alot more than just a trademark to catch fishermen. Lund Sport Trak works great if it’s used for what it was designed for.

    Posts: 418

    Everything has a breaking point if used for more than its intended purpose. Sport Trak is alot more than just a trademark to catch fishermen. Lund Sport Trak works great if it’s used for what it was designed for.

    So it’s not designed for fishing? Not sure what you’re trying to get at? What’s its intended purpose then?

    James Almquist
    Posts: 656

    I feel it is made for trolling a shad rap with little resistance. My buddy had them in his boat and we were trolling dipsy divers and I put on a magnum and it snapped but I was able to grab the rod before it went into Lake superior. If you put tracks on your gunnel make sure to add backing for additional strength. I like the plastic decking.

    Posts: 793

    James, where did it snap?

    When I troll it is pulling raps at 1-2mph or spinners at 0.08-1.2mph…nothing to heavy duty. I don’t use planer boards, down riggers, and don’t even know what dipsy divers are :).

    The new boat has 4 hours on it, and I don’t see a need to put tracks on the gunnels for what I use it for, currently.

    I’m also continuing to question whether I want/need the whole shuttle up on the track; and will likely get a ram mount that goes on the sport track clip while the shuttle sits on the floor. I have the second screen (9 inch) setup this way for my son in the front and haven’t had any issues. Easy, economical, moveable.

    James Almquist
    Posts: 656

    It was the rod holder that snapped. Dipsy’s are a method to get deep without weighted line or downriggers. They are also good at getting your line away from the boat.

    accarroline with your type of trolling you should never have a problem.

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1406

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Karry Kyllo wrote:</div>
    Everything has a breaking point if used for more than its intended purpose. Sport Trak is alot more than just a trademark to catch fishermen. Lund Sport Trak works great if it’s used for what it was designed for.

    So it’s not designed for fishing? Not sure what you’re trying to get at? What’s its intended purpose then?

    Why argue and be a smart aleck? You know exactly what I mean. Do you even own a Lund with Sport Traks?

    Posts: 418

    How am I being a smart aleck? By trying to save someone from losing their stuff off the side of their boat? I don’t own a Lund and never would but I’ve seen plenty of stuff get ripped out of their tracks. But you’re right, everyone should encourage someone to do something even if it’s not the best idea.

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1406

    I didn’t think you had a Lund with a Sport Trak or any experience with one. And you’re an expert on the strengths and the weaknesses of a Lund Sport Trak? How’d you get your Sport Trak knowledge and expertise?

    Posts: 418

    Did you miss the part where I said I’ve seen lots of stuff get peeled out of the chinsey Lund tracks?

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1406

    Are the Sport Traks themselves failing or the mounts in the Sport Traks? Go into more detail. In my Lund, the aluminum itself would have to break or bend apart for the Sport Trak to fail. That’s not going to happen unless it’s really abused.

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