Garmin livescope tile

  • Mike uchida
    Posts: 4

    I installed the Garmin LVS34 LiveScope to my uhd 93sv. I ran it last year and it worked fine. I didn’t think livescope was as great as folks made it out to be. I was watching a YouTube video today and it dawned on me I might not be using livescope, and that this whole time I’ve been using garmin panoptix. I actually didn’t know there was a difference. Heres my question: When I turn on my LVS34 LiveScope transducer, a tile pops up on my uhd 93sv and says Panoptix. Is there a tile that is supposed to pop up that says “LiveScope”?

    Jim Stoeckel
    Above the clouds.
    Posts: 137

    You are using livescope. If you unplug your livescope black box, your panoptics icon should disappear. Just remember that there are many “panoptics” settings that can be adjusted which will affect what you see and don’t see with livescope. The size of your screen will affect what you can see as well. A smaller screen means less area to display anything you are looking at. Think of it as looking at an iPhone screen vs an iPad. The larger screen is able to show more detail. There is a steep learning curve to really learn livescope/forward facing sonar to use it to its potential.

    Mike uchida
    Posts: 4

    Jim, I really appreciate the response. Yes, when I flip my blue sea switch to off the panoptix tile disappears. I installed it myself, so I thought for a minute that I had done it improperly. Thank you for your explanation. Im gathering that I should get a larger screen and learn to use the settings correctly to utilize livescopes full potential. From one 737 driver to another, thank you and fly safe

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