Garmin handheld gps rino 655t

  • Robert A. ONeil
    Posts: 1

    I have a rino 655t that will not power on. Garmin does not support this model anymore and the place I bought it (5 years ago) doesn’t know who can repair these. I am trying to find a shop that can repair a Garmin rino 655t.

    Hastings, Mn
    Posts: 477

    I had the same problem with a different Garmin unit. Garmin told me they don’t repair them and to buy a new model which I could not find anyone else to perform the work. It’s such a shame that it is a “throw it away” mindset these days. Sorry I can not be any help but I hope you have better luck than I did with a repair. I tried to find a different hand held gps company to purchase a new unit from but Garmin owns that market. Good luck.

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