Got my heirloom tomatoes started 8 days ago now.
Three varieties,
1st; my old standard pink that came from Poland back in the 1950’s,
2nd; one that I seem to have started back 5 or more years ago now is a tomato that was supposed to be an heirloom cherry salad tomato. It came back one year with the fruit the size of golf balls. So we have named it “GoofBall” Great cut in half for salads and for a breakfast side!
3; A neighbor had given me a plant a couple of years ago now called “Porterhouse”. I tried it last year and it didn’t do bad. so I thought I’d give it another start.
Last year was a terrible year for my tomatoes as they were the worst I’d ever raised. My starts this year are way ahead of themselves in growth already over the norm. They look like they would normally be 2 weeks or a bit more old now after the first week. Crazy!
Here is a pic from day 7.