Garden Is In!

  • Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    The best carrots will have some frost on them. I’m planning to fire up the crock pot next week when it cools down and will be digging some of mine fresh to go in with the other goodies.

    Woodie…..are you referring to the carrots?

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Some good advice for sure, pick when it’s long and plump with a nice deep intense color. mrgreen

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5553

    I guess I pick the carrots earlier so they dont get too big. I figured the bigger and longer they get the more woody taste they might have. I like a sweeter tasting carrot. It’s hard to talk about this with a straight face. jester

    Maybe I’ll have to let part of a row grow longer into the season next year and see how they turn out.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12896

    my garden season is officially done. picked the last of the kalarabi and pulled the cleomes that look to have got bit by frost. last nite. so now the wait till spring!!!!!

    and Sharon, i dont notice the differnce in the taste of carrots from when i first start picking then in july to the last ones!!

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    A lot of ours is done, but some still going. In early August I planted rows of loose leaf lettuce, romaine, spinach, cilantro, kale, and carrots. Those are all producing really well right now and like the cooler temps. Along with broccoli and a bit of cabbage still producing too.

    The carrots are new for me at that time of the year, but I’m hoping to get a few baby carrots later this fall. I pulled 3 of them last weekend, 2 were too small to do anything with, 1 was just barely of size to eat.

    This was also our first year growing Brussel sprouts, but those should just start producing here soon and from what I’ve read, should be able to stay in until there’s a bit of snow?

    The frost last weekend ended our peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, green beans.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Still have tomatoes, peppers, and broccoli in, though I don’t think much growing or ripening is happening anymore.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I’ve got a ton of hot peppers to dry.

    Before we headed up to the cabin last week I dug out a squash to take for a dinner and man was it good.

    I plant a variety of buttercup squash that seems to like our soil. Last year I had two vines take off and got 21 nice squash. This year I had one main vine split into two and I just rounded up 14 more squash….15 total. We’re having another for dinner tonight with a venison ring bologna/sauerkraut and cheesy potatoes.

    I plan to lift the carrots next week and whatever beets are still in the ground. Ma likes fresh beets.

    My tomatoes got real leggy and the fruits seemed to all come ripe at the same time. It was hard to keep up with them. I made spaghetti sauce five times canning two quarts and using the rest fresh, five times. I froze ten gallons of them. And we still ate tomatoes every meal. Then we got the heat and they wanted to split so the tail end of the tomato season stunk but I can’t hardly complain. I love my garden and whatever it shares me.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5553

    Billy and I plant our first watermelon plant this year and this was the only fruit we harvested!

    It may be small, but it tasted like a watermelon! rotflol

    1. 20181012_201357.jpg

    2. IMG_20180923_175841_669.jpg

    Posts: 9301

    That looks like the first cantaloupe I grew. jester

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I ended up mulching the carrots in and just dug them this morning. The ground is still soft under the mulch and the carrots came up clean. of course I had to munch a couple as I worked and they are sweeeeeet and crunchy. No tough or fibery cores. Just good eating.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12896

    my carrots where gone eaten 6 weeks ago!!!!!!!!!! but you live so much further south of me!!!!!!! waytogo jester besides theres snow on mine. i’m getten ready to hit the ice!!!!!!!!!!!

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    I planted a crazy number of pepper seeds on 1/19/19. I was concerned with germinating time and rates because everything i read suggests some of the super hots can take up to 6 weeks and have poor %’s.

    Out of the list below, only 1 variety hasn’t sprouted so far, it’s looking like I could have 90+% germination.

    Aji Dulce #2
    Aji Rico Hybrid
    Carmen sweet
    Chile de Arbol
    Golden Ghost
    Habanero Caribbean Red
    Helios f1 Habanero
    Lemon Drop (Aji)
    Orange Scotch Bonnet
    Red Savina Habanero
    Stocky Red Rooster
    Yellow Aji Amarillo
    Lemon Habanero

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