Garage upgrade!

  • tim hurley
    Posts: 6009

    Well ok we have been looking for a house here in lauderdale but the garages are small. My current garage is 22×22-tight fit for my current boat and my wife’s car. I was surprised that some double garages are smaller than 22X22!. Some doubles have a divider and 2 doors. That sucks too! I was starting to feel bad about my garage needs. My wife has been mostly cool and supportive of my fishing and she only wants a nice house. Anyway we found a house that she loves and I get a larger attached garage. If you are looking for a house and having the same issue hang in there, you would probably live in a cardboard box if your boat had a nice home-she probably has LOTS of requirements. Stand up for your garage needs! Thought about storing outside with one of those structures that cover for rain, etc-Does anyone do that?

    Posts: 3408

    I moved in June to a bigger garage. 43′ wide and 33′ deep. )

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    Posts: 3408

    I moved in June to a bigger garage. 43′ wide and 33′ deep. )

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    Posts: 5305


    I’ve gone opposite, from 3 car, to 2 car, now a single stall detached. Was 20′ deep, but the past owner must’ve crashed into far wall so it’s extended out to about 21′ now doah

    Posts: 200

    Upgraded my garage yesterday.

    Took the outdoors TV inside to add a 2nd TV.

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    Mike Martine
    la crosse wis
    Posts: 258

    Upgraded my garage yesterday.

    Took the outdoors TV inside to add a 2nd TV.

    might want to ditch the high heels rotflol

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bassh8er wrote:</div>
    Upgraded my garage yesterday.

    Took the outdoors TV inside to add a 2nd TV.

    might want to ditch the high heels rotflol

    Maybe the stripper pole is just out of the picture?


    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I was going to ask how the wife took to having her shoes relegated to the garage with your hunting stuff. I wish I could get away with that, just with some of her 12 pairs of tennis shoes..

    Posts: 6647

    You can never have too much garage space.

    I envy the guys that live in the country and have a huge post frame building.

    We live in town with a .6 acre lot. The attached garage is nice, but not very deep and only has 7′ doors. Fortunately I was able to build a detached garage in the back yard. It’s a 24’x40′ with a huge 14’x20′ door. It had to be stick framed and match the house (vinyl siding, asphalt roof). It was expensive compared to a post frame building, but worth every penny.

    It’s an option if code allows it where you live/will live.

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    Posts: 5305

    . It had to be stick framed and match the house (vinyl siding, asphalt roof)

    In Mpls if the SF is over 685 I believe the garage exterior has to match, which in my case is stucco, ouch.

    Hopefully next year I’ll get er done.

    Posts: 6647

    Upgraded my garage yesterday.

    Took the outdoors TV inside to add a 2nd TV.

    Love it bassh8ter waytogo

    I just built a man cave in the attached garage and did the same thing

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    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    I hate all of you flame

    19.5 by 19.5 and no options to upgrade other than buying a whole new place.

    I looked for cardboard boxes with deep 3 car garages. As posted earlier the fw had other requirements. When we combined our requirements all those houses seemed a like a lot of money to spend on toys and fancy stuff. Soooo, downsized from my pickup and settling in for a couple more years.

    Neil K
    Posts: 10

    My house is 3 years old and it’s a 3-1/2 stall garage – kind of unique. It came this way. Standard 3 car but the center has a 11′ x 11′ added onto it. It’s currently my man cave area but would be great for an ice castle or boat.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4006

    When I was looking for a new house the first thing I did was walk into the garage and if it didn’t meet my needs I walked out without even looking at the rest of the house. Some homes I walked into had a 3 car garage that was only 15’ deep. One home had a 18’ boat in the so called 3 car garage at a diagonal taking up the whole garage. I told my retailer that if the garage is not even x’ deep don’t even waste our time looking at it. I finally found a home that had a larger 2 car garage and has room to add a 24’ x 48’ attach garage to it. Only need to wait one more year. The city is ok with it but the bank is holding me back.

    Posts: 104

    I just ran a gas line to my detached 30×36 and got the 50k btu heater installed last week. I wish I had done it years ago (especially with single digit temps)

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6009

    I now have some garage envy.

    Posts: 959

    I just ran a gas line to my detached 30×36 and got the 50k btu heater installed last week. I wish I had done it years ago (especially with single digit temps)

    You’re gonna love it! I just put a
    50k btu heater in my 22×22 attached garage ! It’s da chit!!

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