Garage Build/Powerline Move

  • TJ
    Hammond, WI
    Posts: 263

    First post on the new site so we will see how it goes. Question for the IDO brain trust…I am beginning to plan for a garage build this fall. My problem is that the area where I want to the garage also has the underground powerline that feeds my house. I need to have a couple hundred feet of it re-routed I think? I’m not sure if building code allows the building of a structure atop power lines and if they do, I’m not sure I want that anyway. How do I go about getting this moved? I have xcel service and live in western WI. I know it will cost me money to have it moved which I would expect. I need about 200 ft relocated. Thanks for any help or tips on getting this moved.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Contact the power company tell them what you are doing and ask for a rep to come out. Do not mention the fact you think you might have to pay for it. Do not mention how much line needs to move. Let them tell you the cost then negotiate it. Remember it’s additional revenue for them when the garage goes online.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Is it before or after xcels service? Might just need and electrician to move it, that is what we have done in the past.

    Hammond, WI
    Posts: 263

    Thanks for the advice.

    Onestout – the length that needs to be moved is after the “powerbox” situated on the corner of my property. Sounds like this could potentially be a private job rather than xcel??? Seems like it would be easier to deal with that xcel as well.

    Posts: 5126

    The “power box” (usually green) is just a transformer. As long as it is before the meter it is usually the power companies job to do work on it. Call Xcel and see what they say.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I was always told that before the meter it was for the power companies to take care of, after the meter into your house it was the home owners, Who put it there to eliminate the above ground power poles, you or them.

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    Just a reminder for your garage. When I built my garage I wish I would of put 10ft. doors in. Just a thought!

    Hammond, WI
    Posts: 263

    I’m not sure whose choice it was to go underground. I’m assuming it was the power company since there isn’t a power pole along the entire section mile.

    I’m going to call Xcel Monday and see what they say.

    Thanks for the heads up on the doors fish333…10 footers are in the plan.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Another couple options you may want to consider:

    1) You may want to consider moving your Meter to your Garage with a New Main Electrical Box in your garage with 220 service and then run a large circuit line to the Electrical Box inside your home.

    2) Ask, when moving lines if they can put it in conduit, especially near any buildings or future landscaping? By doing this, especially if you move the meter and place a Main Box in your garage, you can have a private contractor do any future work. By having it in Conduit, gives you future options and protects lines from damage by digging, tree roots and critters.

    3) Having the Main in the Garage, Detached from the home, it would make it easy to add a Generator out there with proper switches in case of power outages. Keeps Noise and Fumes away from the home.

    Good Luck

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