Garage advice

  • Mike
    Posts: 35

    Looking to vent cigarette smoke out of the garage in the winter…. Any advise would be much appreciated.

    Posts: 4339

    I think we know the obvious answer. I make my friends smoke outside.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4311

    Do you just go out to garage to smoke or are you out there working several hours at a time? I would put in a wall mounted bath exhaust fan if you are just out there for a 5/10 minute smoke break and smoke in front of it. If for longer period of time you might need something bigger.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    I would add an exhaust fan to the ceiling. If you ever plan on painting or staining in there you might want to put in a bigger one. Put it on a timer. The smell will still be there but it will help.

    Posts: 35

    That’s what I was Thinking as well, just need to find a jumbo one!!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11041

    If you add an exhaust fan make sure you have a make up air source.

    Posts: 4796

    Adding a big exhaust fan needs a makeup air source as egp mentioned to have proper air flow to work. Then with the fresh air coming in your going to be running your heat source more.

    Posts: 35

    Yup I was wondering about that. Thinking maybe an industrial air purifier… Something to filter the smoke..

    Posts: 4796

    Before spending a lot of money I would try a box fan with a 20×20 charcoal or hepa air filter taped on the intake side and give it a try

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2839

    Small attic type exhaust fan. Personally I would not allow smoking in my home or garage.

    Posts: 35

    Now why didn’t I think of that!! Lmfao!!

    Adam Steffes
    Posts: 439

    I have a 20” box fan, heavily used, available for pick up in Illinois for 3$. See my add in classifieds.

    Cottage Grove
    Posts: 122

    Look into using a residential air to air heat exchanger. Prolly a couple hundred CFM. Something like a Broan Model HRV-190S. Hang it inside. This will temper your makeup air. Fab up a sheetmetal cone or hood to capture the cig smoke. The wall penetrations would be pretty simple. Cord and plug 120v power also.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Well if we are going to drop some coin on this the only way to go is a commercial grade grill top hood, vent, and fan.

    Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    I’m in the process of doing this right now. I use my blackstone griddle in the garage year round and also fry fish every few weeks. In my last garage the ceiling fans would get pretty gross/sticky and have to be cleaned once a year not to mention anything that wasn’t in a cabinet. So, i’m in the process of installing one on a wall to park whatever I’m cooking with on wheels underneath when I need it and also to exhaust the occasional cig when friends stop by and it’s 20 below outside. Not sure it’s the best option but it’s what I’m going to try.

    Well if we are going to drop some coin on this the only way to go is a commercial grade grill top hood, vent, and fan.

    Posts: 602

    Now why didn’t I think of that!! Lmfao!!

    If you ever do want to quit, then making it more comfortable to smoke will only hinder quitting…if you aren’t planning on ever giving it up, then there are some good options for you here.

    To each their own!

    Posts: 35

    Decided to go with a hepa filter air purifier. And it is working well.

    Cody Meyers
    Posts: 464

    We always just stuffed fabric softener sheets into an empty paper towel roll and exhaled through that.

    Based on the number of times my parents brought it up…I’d say it works perfectly.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2102

    We always just stuffed fabric softener sheets into an empty paper towel roll and exhaled through that.

    Based on the number of times my parents brought it up…I’d say it works perfectly.


    Posts: 35

    Just to be clear it is cigarette smoke that we are getting rid of not weed, not that there’s anything wrong with that!! Lmfao

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