Game of Inches – Swing or Miss?

  • gmctruxman
    Posts: 46

    Is anyone watching Game of Inches from the 39 Hours group on YouTube? It’s an interesting concept, longest fish across 7 species categories fishing 5 days from sunrise to sunset. The first days episodes were entertaining at least, I wonder what happened to Uncut Angling though, no video released as of yet. What do ya’ll think about it?

    Adam Rempel
    Posts: 43

    I love the idea of it. Fun way to kick off the ice fishing season. It’s nice to see that although they are battling one another they support each other. Seems to be a good community.

    Cody M
    Posts: 4

    I thought the first episodes were really good, looking forward to the rest. It’s a shame uncut didn’t edit any videos. Wonder how the other groups feel about that, to me it’s kind of a bad look. I rather of seen some other guys take a spot that we’re gonna actually post videos, I mean even AP crawled out of his hole for it.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1528

    I thought Jay Siemens mentioned that the other teams videos would be released on the Frostbite channel? I dont subscribe to that one to confirm it though

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I mean even AP crawled out of his hole for it.

    Actual photo of Peric when Jay calls him up.

    1. Weasel.jpg

    Posts: 286

    I liked the idea of it, but it was kind of a miss. It was evident that Uncut was supposed to be a part of it but wasn’t, and everybody just dances around that. In my opinion Peric and Uncut drive a lot of the views there.

    In addition, I kind of dislike having videos on the channel of every different team. The whole thing just seems disorganized.

    With that being said, I’ll still watch whatever Jay’s doing without complaint.

    Posts: 5139

    I thought Jay Siemens mentioned that the other teams videos would be released on the Frostbite channel? I dont subscribe to that one to confirm it though

    Each team releases their own video on their respective channel. You can find the other channels in the description of each video, and Aaron’s is not linked.

    Aaron ran for something like city administrator or similar last month, I’d heard he was too busy to edit his video and so they cut him. We’ll see what happens as weeks roll on.

    Posts: 5139

    I liked the idea of it, but it was kind of a miss. It was evident that Uncut was supposed to be a part of it but wasn’t, and everybody just dances around that. In my opinion Peric and Uncut drive a lot of the views there.

    In addition, I kind of dislike having videos on the channel of every different team. The whole thing just seems disorganized.

    With that being said, I’ll still watch whatever Jay’s doing without complaint.

    I agree, it kind of a cluster and hard to keep track. I’ll probably watch the guys that interest me but won’t go out of my way to watch everything.

    Posts: 46

    Agreed! The premise is good but having every team doing the same thing would have made it better. I enjoy the discussion on tactics and the different approach each team makes but if there’s not going to be an Uncut Angling video, then it’s hard to include the results and see how they compare. What if they “win”??

    Adam Rempel
    Posts: 43

    I think it could have been better if it was on a dedicated channel (this would never happen because each Chanel needs the views)and they released one episode out every day not 5 at the same time once a week.

    Still the price is right to watch and I like the majority of the guys content. Good for them to put it together.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Great idea, poor execution. Tried watching the first episode, and you’d need to watch 4 or 5 different channels and about an hour and half of run time total.

    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
    Posts: 116

    I’m 50/50 on it. Swing – Jay, Conrad’s, and Clayton. Miss – Team Frostbite, Uncut (missing completely), Peric.
    Honestly I can’t handle watching Peric it’s like the living embodiment of ADHD. Plus the first episode he has more verbal diarrhea coming out of his mouth then his rear in the parking lot. I’m sure most of his viewers are 20 and under but it’s not for me.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17389

    Peric does a thing on Barstool Sports about hunting & fishing with some gal named Sadie. It can be a hard watch.

    Posts: 433

    Love watching Clayton and Jay can not stand watching Peric. He had a couple of ice fishing vids last year that were so much exactly like uncut angling videos they were unwatchable.

    Cam White
    Posts: 159

    Aaron was running for the rm municipal position. Kind of like the councillor. He’s had some personal issues and battles, I’m hoping he has split ways with frostbite. We just had our ice show and peric was here at his frostbite booth. Looked like a Pygmy Freddie mercury/ cop from the village people offspring. Tank top, stocking cap, thick moustache. Wtf??? The kids were lined up deep to get their overhyped gear.

    Posts: 1122

    I really enjoyed 39 hours.

    I don’t like this viewing format. I don’t have time to watch them all individually, but yet would like to see them all in the single video I’m watching. Plus Aaron being absent is a big bummer since he is so good in front of the camera. I really hope he finds his place in life that makes him happy whether he makes another video or not.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    . I really hope he finds his place in life that makes him happy whether he makes another video or not.

    Agreed, he really seems to be struggling with some mental health issues, and I hope he has the support he needs.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    The first episodes were just ok. Jay and Josh will be entertaining and I’ll watch anything with the Conrads in it. They kill me.

    That said, it’s not nearly as fun as 39 hrs. Could be because it’s not all edited together. It is kind of lame that you have to watch everyone’s videos separately but they did it so everyone’s channels get to reap the benefits. It’s still nice to have something fun to watch though.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    I watch all of Jay’s and most of Clayton’s videos. Loved all of Aaron’s stuff but he’s not posting much of anything this year. I unsubbed to Peric’s channel and Sobie’s channel a few years ago. Although nothing was said publicly I think Peric screwed over Mav and Murray (fishNmore) when they worked at Frostbite.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I watch all of Jay’s and most of Clayton’s videos. Loved all of Aaron’s stuff but he’s not posting much of anything this year. I unsubbed to Peric’s channel and Sobie’s channel a few years ago. Although nothing was said publicly I think Peric screwed over Mav and Murray (fishNmore) when they worked at Frostbite.

    It’s well known within the fishing industry (and outside for that matter) that Peric has screwed over, or been a complete richard to almost everyone he’s worked with. I believe that’s why he’s turned into a hobo.

    Posts: 534

    Clayton and Jay really put care into their videos and they are always a good watch. Jay really likes his stocked trout and you can tell from that video. I think the concept is good but like many have said some of the duo’s are really unwatchable. But this would be an awesome thing to do with some buddies this year so I might have to get some people involved. I will need more than five day though…

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3417

    I agree with many of the comments in this thread already. Love the idea of it but it seems very poorly executed.

    I started watching the first video posted by the frostbite channel with Joe Cooper and Dave Winters and it just didn’t do it for me. They are good guys but just not as good to watch as Aaron or Jay or the others. A minute or two into the frostbite video while jigging for lake trout, one of them says “the ONLY way you can get a lake trout to come into your lure is if you let it sit there [still]”. That is the exact moment I turned it off.

    Posts: 433

    I watch all of Jay’s and most of Clayton’s videos. Loved all of Aaron’s stuff but he’s not posting much of anything this year. I unsubbed to Peric’s channel and Sobie’s channel a few years ago. Although nothing was said publicly I think Peric screwed over Mav and Murray (fishNmore) when they worked at Frostbite.

    I’ve watched Mav since the beginning when he only did fishing stuff. Really cool to see how he has blown up think he has almost 2 million subs now. Love watching his ice fishing vids as well when he puts them out.

    Posts: 119

    Im enjoying the videos from all the teams. Perics eccentricity doesnt even bother me that much but if hes dishonest like people say, thats no good. He still seems to get invited though.
    I can see Jay getting the most likes. One area he excells is professional camera and video editing. Its his profession even before youtube. The other teams videos look more average.

    Posts: 1583

    I like it. anything that is new will keep my interest. interesting to see if they knew everyones scores each night or what. I guess we’ll find out.

    as for the who’s who of these channels, I think they did a good job covering the gambit if youtube fishing entertainment. Peric gets a lot of crap poured on him and maybe its for good reason but I think the kid pushed the boundaries of the “youtube fishing personality” and credit him mightily for that. sure there were other people who were also doing it but he grew it way faster and was very successful early on.

    I’ll be honest, early on i really enjoyed aaron wiebe stuff. but i would say midway through his show (like 5 years ago) it became so few and far between and they just weren’t that great. then obviously all sorts of personal problems and of course everyone wants to know everyones business so its been kind of meh since then. like I take him or leave him.

    who knows what happened to him, i don’t know him certainly but he seems very easily flustered and agitated. But yeah it seems odd they include that team in the promos and stuff still. maybe an FU to aaron or some crap.

    Frostbite as a company does nothing for me, i really have no opinion. seems fine. But like that they put this stuff on.

    I’ll be watching. 39 hours was fantastic.

    Pete Reisenauer
    Posts: 1

    absolutely Swing and hit. and love the release time with ice fishing on everyones mind and getting the itch. Love how they are putting it out as more episodes on their channels and one a day. They all have the link to the other videos in the description. Still not sure who I want to win as all the teams that put videos up I enjoy watching. I do love how people are always hating on Peric and he dont care. You either like his stuff or dont. Sucks Uncut is not putting his videos out, but we still get 5 other teams.

    Alright making my call Team CSO for the win.

    Posts: 199

    Peric really screwed it up when he lost Justin Jenkens and assorted meats he is a gold mine and probably one of the best fishermen not included in this group.

    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
    Posts: 116

    Peric really screwed it up when he lost Justin Jenkens and assorted meats he is a gold mine and probably one of the best fishermen not included in this group.

    100% Justin was awesome and still is. Guy is out there having fun and poking fun at other youtubers. His last video reminds me of fishing with my buddies with all the chirping and missed fish.

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