I like it. anything that is new will keep my interest. interesting to see if they knew everyones scores each night or what. I guess we’ll find out.
as for the who’s who of these channels, I think they did a good job covering the gambit if youtube fishing entertainment. Peric gets a lot of crap poured on him and maybe its for good reason but I think the kid pushed the boundaries of the “youtube fishing personality” and credit him mightily for that. sure there were other people who were also doing it but he grew it way faster and was very successful early on.
I’ll be honest, early on i really enjoyed aaron wiebe stuff. but i would say midway through his show (like 5 years ago) it became so few and far between and they just weren’t that great. then obviously all sorts of personal problems and of course everyone wants to know everyones business so its been kind of meh since then. like I take him or leave him.
who knows what happened to him, i don’t know him certainly but he seems very easily flustered and agitated. But yeah it seems odd they include that team in the promos and stuff still. maybe an FU to aaron or some crap.
Frostbite as a company does nothing for me, i really have no opinion. seems fine. But like that they put this stuff on.
I’ll be watching. 39 hours was fantastic.