Due to hectic summer with a new job, I slacked a bit on Ripley’s training this summer. The FW and I headed to Sand Pines Pheasants yesterday, and I was really hoping that he didn’t lose much.
It was really a pretty nice day with temps around 50, cloudy skies, and just enough of a breeze. Ripley spotted a hen strolling down a trail shortly after we’d gotten there–he took off after it, which didn’t surprise me much, but from there, he settled in and performed really well for the rest of the day. He was much steadier on point than he was last year, he did well retrieving, and he even tracked a wounded rooster for about 15 minutes. I was about ready to give up on it, and Ripley locked up on point–sure enough, he’d found it.
All in all, it was a fun afternoon, and I’m really happy with how the pup is performing.
Pic 1: On point with the FW moving in on the bird
Pic 2: On point
Pic 3: A retrieve