Fur suggestions?

  • Jesse
    Posts: 3

    Hi all,

    I’ll be headed to northern Canada for some time soon.

    What is the warmest and most water-repellent fur to bring? And please give your reasons why. Looking to invest in a pair of gauntlet mittens.

    Thank you!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Beaver – look at what any old mountain man had. There are many reasons why.

    Posts: 1811

    I have a Muskrat hat for me it’s just right, Only wear it in the coldest of weather, I tried beaver to heavy to hot. Made buy Liz Kuhnurt Cable Wis 35 years ago. DK.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    My buddy has these huge beaver mittens that are impenetrably warm and waterproof. However I don’t think you can do much detail work with them on – he wears a thin glove and the mittens are easy to slip on and off. His still have the fur on.

    Posts: 188

    Sea otter is the warmest/ most water repellent fur in existence. Up to 1 million hairs per square inch. There’s a reason Lance Mackey and other Iditarod racers use it. I believe it is only able to be harvested by Native Inuits but I’m not 100%. I’ve been dreaming of buying the lance Mackey hat/gloves from seafursewing but I’ll never do it, $$$…

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Sea otter furs and garments are illegal to import into the US. As are most other marine mammal furs or skins. Sealskin makes excellent mittens as well, but no importation.

    Legally taken furs and garments made from said furs are legal to sell and buy within the US boarders, but by CITES laws they can’t be taken across boarders so importing them from Canada would be illegal. Fines are high, this is not an area to mess with.

    Posts: 188

    Sea otter furs and garments are illegal to import into the US. As are most other marine mammal furs or skins. Sealskin makes excellent mittens as well, but no importation.

    Legally taken furs and garments made from said furs are legal to sell and buy within the US boarders, but by CITES laws they can’t be taken across boarders so importing them from Canada would be illegal. Fines are high, this is not an area to mess with.

    Good info thanks, seafursewing is out of Sitka, Alaska. So maybe okay?

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